God is Beyond 3D Images

 I was reading Kyrons manuel for light workers where it says, “You say, ‘There must be one truth, one doctrine, one building." And we say, "How 3D of you!" The linearity of your existence has been placed on God and you have decided to make a 3D God! This then matches your Human experience.’”

And it hit me…. People create an image of God that fits their likeness because it makes them feel safe and comfortable. If people can establish doctrines, theology, beliefs and ideas of God that have limits, then they have the ability to acknowledge a separation between me and you. This is candy for the ego, pleasure for its false existence. See if we shape God in our image, we limit God to what makes sense to us. We declare “this is right and that is wrong”, “we are the correct religion and you are the incorrect religion.” This allows their to be a strong sense of superiority and connection to God only available to the chosen and closed off to the far. In truth, this really is no more than an ego trip designed to make some feel special by drawing deeper lines of separation and limiting God to only be confined in that which they deem as true and all else as less true or not true at all.

See to limit God is the quintessential 3D human experience of separation. You are acknowledging a state that doesn’t truly exist because it isn’t eternal. You’re assuming that God is like us by similarly  assuming God is limited by that which we determine are definite boundaries from right vs wrong. People in this dualistic mindset see themselves as bringing the gospel to save people, but deep down their ego thrives on this concept that we can help others be saved and causes the person to assume the role as the chosen one from God. It is nothing more than a craftily disguised ego trip, hiding behind a sophisticated and well developed, oligarchal religion with many branches, denominations, and belief systems. If the ego can convince you that some are saved and others are not, then you will actually believe that separation is eternal and suffering will never end. If this were true, what a failure of a plan designed for more who have failed than more who are saved. What sort of god would create a system bent on a majority of people by default suffering for eternity for their refusal to believe exactly how your denomination believes is essential for salvation?

Take back your power soul! Wake up and remember who you are! YOU are created in the image and likeness of God, it’s not the other way around. YOU by very nature of existing, are eternally one with All that is. You have no beginning and ending and no silly dualistic doctrine of separation could ever stop you from eventually reaching your highest potential of absolute oneness with God. When this perfect state is reached, you won’t stop being you, you’ll be you and All at the same time. Oneness is intelligent infinity actualized. Your eventual entrance into Source is not the dissolving of your existence, but the recognization of your actual full magnificence. Birds of like flock together. You realize in order to have been able to get to this point where you experience complete oneness with Source means your vibrations match Absolute Source which is evidence of your long journey of that which you’ve always been, but forgot for so long. 

You don’t disappear and cease to exist, you fully remember you always were. You always were one with God and All that is. The sweet embrace of oneness doesn’t nullify all that you’ve experienced, it amplifies the beautiful and unique journey of you in all forms that exist in the Now. You fully recognize the potency and power of your divine reality. Fully realized, you choose whatever you wish once again, and remember that forgetting is only temporary fun manifested, while knowing is your permanent, unending reality. There’s nothing to fear at this state. Your current ego might quiver at its eventual and complete dissolution, but you cannot help but remain, and remain as glorious as you’ve always been. You will remember your journeys, you will remember your experience, and you will appreciate the experience of All that freely share with you it’s exciting moments as well. You are it and it is you. One and unique and unique and one. Able to leave whenever and able to stay in the warm embrace forever. Don’t be afraid of your future dissolution of ego. It was only an experience destined to end because it never truly began. And when you’re ready, you can experience another one, or stay. But please soul, I repeat myself one more time in hope of removing any fear that still persists. Never worry about dissolving and ceasing to exist. The closer you get to Source, the more aware you get. Just like the more you work on yourself spiritually, the more you become aware of who you truly are by dropping that which you truly aren’t. 


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