
Showing posts from 2020

Entry 412 - Entry 413

Entry 412 - God is Beyond 3D Images   I was reading Kryon’s manual for light workers, where it says, “You say, ‘There must be one truth, one doctrine, one building.’ And we say, ‘How 3D of you! The linearity of your existence has been placed on God, and you have decided to make a 3D God! This then matches your Human experience.’” And it hit me... People create an image of God that fits their likeness because it makes them feel safe and comfortable. If people can establish doctrines, theology, beliefs, and ideas of God that have limits, then they have the ability to acknowledge a separation between me and you. This is candy for the ego, pleasure for its false existence.  See, if we shape God in our image, we limit God to what makes sense to us. We declare, “This is right and that is wrong,” “We are the correct religion, and you are the incorrect religion.” This allows there to be a strong sense of superiority and connection to God only available to the chosen and closed off to ...

Entry 411 - Meet Me in the Sacred Grove

12/23/20 If we ever discuss anything beyond the materialism of this world, I want you to know that if you wish to explore, I am here. If you so decide to explore and go beyond present belief systems with me, I just ask you to meet me there with an open mind, to look at all things not as we perceive them to be, but as they are before we had a thought about them. To look into your viewpoint, my viewpoint, and other people’s viewpoints with innocent and open-minded curiosity to that which goes beyond. I ask you to lay down your weapons of defense and to be vulnerable with me on thoughts that so often rule us without us even realizing it. I ask you to deeply consider and contemplate these questions we will ask in hope of going beyond that which is seen and entering into the unseen together. A divine dance into the unknown. A sacred walk in the sacred grove. A loving skip to the fountain of bliss. Let’s walk each other home by being each other’s homes. Let’s provide the unique feast of disc...

Entry 410 - You Come From Source

12/23/20 The reason that we do not have a beginning and end is because that which we came from does not have a beginning or end. If our essence is energy, which can be neither created nor destroyed—the energy which is God—then how could we have a beginning or end if the Source from which we come doesn’t either? God creates through extension of Himself. That’s why we were made in the image and likeness of God. Anything that extends from Source is a perfect creation because Source can’t help but create perfection. Anything that is projected into existence that is not perfect is not truly from Source and therefore does not truly exist, since Source is all there truly is. Anything that is projected into existence at a specific time and place had a beginning and an end, and therefore is not real and therefore does not truly exist. If you were a projection from God, then that would mean at one time you ceased to exist, you exist now, and you will cease to exist once again—which not only anni...

Entry 409 - Creator vs Imposter

12/23/20 The OT belief of the Creator emphasizes many positive and negative attributes to a limitless, infinite Creator, rather than recognizing that God is beyond duality, beyond polar opposites, beyond separation, and it doesn’t even make any sense to attribute illusive qualities found in our world to a real and limitless God who transcends all. To have verses where God is so angry that He can’t help but destroy them all, refer to them grotesquely in sexually deviant manners when they disobey, demand strict and unwavering obedience to His fixed will—all do not make sense to apply to the true Creator, but yes to a war god, because it follows similar patterns of other war gods in other areas. Now let’s move into repentance of sin. What does it mean to repent? To turn from. Well, what is considered the sin? Supposedly it’s disobeying God’s specific decree according to His will, not yours. So if sin is built on the intention that you must follow God’s will over yours, regardless of if yo...

Entry 408 - Relatability vs Reality

12/23/20 Even though we were made in the image of God, we have listened to people who have told us God is made in our image. We’ve subordinated the Almighty, Limitless, Beginning and the End, Alpha and the Omega, The Eternal, to having an untamable and uncontrollable ego, fixed with the same ego traits as man. Through supposed scripture, we truly identify God as we do with man. We give God human attributes of losing control in His anger, wrath, judgment, pain, suffering, repentance, and more. We endow Him with both positive and negative emotions, as if His well-being is dependent on our continuous obedience. We make Him into a possessive, territorial God who chooses some and doesn’t choose others. Then people label it as “anti-Judaism” if we extend God beyond the boundaries of choosing one nation and say God is for all nations. The hypocrisy is beyond me, so how do we fix it? We stop endowing God with what feels relatable, what feels comfortable. We stop abdicating our authority to sup...

Entry 407 - Duality & Unity

12/23/20 Duality is illusions playing in reality.   Reality is the foundation of All.   Duality is illusions placed on top of reality, seemingly distorting reality but not truly, because truth can never be distorted. Duality operates from perspective.   Unity operates from Reality.   Duality operates from a local position.   Unity operates from an Absolute Observation. People may view the opposite of Love as Hate, but in truth, Love has no opposites because illusions don’t truly exist.   It’s comparing The Eternal to the Temporary.   The Temporary does not stand to even come close to existing alongside The Eternal. The Eternal is All, The Temporary wasn’t, is, and became not.   The Eternal is indestructible in every way possible.   The Temporary would cease to exist if one’s perspective went from local to non-local. The Temporary can only inhabit similar temporary phenomena. Hence the source of all...

Entry 406 - Christianity vs Jesus' Message

12/23/20 Do you really believe in Jesus, or do you just believe in what Christianity believes Jesus’ message was? To believe in ideas about Jesus is different than believing beyond ideas. One comes from religion, the other comes from the heart. If you truly believed in Jesus, you would believe in yourself. Jesus’ message wasn’t to submit to a new religion called Christianity and believe in the ideas about him or go to hell. Jesus’ message was about taking your power back from oppressive, patriarchal, oligarchic societies and religions.   Jesus’ message was about being your truest and most authentic expression. Jesus’ message was about love and equality for all. He did not advocate for imbalanced systems like patriarchy or matriarchy, but was for an egalitarian way of life appreciating both sexes equally. Jesus’ message wasn’t about blood being a price to pay, but a message that we are more than our bodies and we truly cannot die. Jesus led the way to self-realization, not into...

Entry 405 - What You Resist, Persists.

12/23/20 The reason why what you resist is what you persist is because energy, even when put in opposition, means the opposing force will rebound the force you place on it. If you resist who you are, such as your sexuality, your desired expression, your passions, your talents, your hopes, and dreams, then that which you persist and why will grow in you to oppose that resisting. For example, let’s say you believe the fact that you are gay is a sin, and so you resist it as if who you are is just a temptation. Every time you resist that part of what makes you you on the earth plane, you actually strengthen not only what you resist, but the reason behind why you resist it. So if it’s because you have judged your sexuality as evil, then your judgment continues to increase within you. Since how we act is a reflection of what is healed or not healed, and you have resisted your sexuality, an integral part of who you are, your resistance and judgment of those that remind you of what you hate a...

Entry 404 - Poem of Release from Religion

12/23/20 Sadly, so much of Christianity has conceptualized faith into a doctrine you believe, rather than through your experience with God, realizing you’ve always been complete. They equate your salvation too with a prayer, accepting their doctrine as “dogmatically true.” Any deviance from its strict pattern of belief is met with refusal to accept that person’s salvation as complete. It’s like the leaders of the religion knew they needed to establish their devotion through submission, so they amplified doctrine and equated it with salvation. If you deny their communal thought processes, you deny your access to the Father’s mansions. The fear they program you with is so intense, you wouldn’t know it unless you deprogrammed and released yourself from their embrace they call defense. It’s a lonely journey to walk apart from your community, but the cost of finding yourself beyond all limits is worth every ounce of your precious energy. Through your bravery to break free, you find out you’...

Entry 403 - The Source of Your Prayers

12/23/20 Prayers sourced in lack: Attached to the outcome. Begging, needing, desiring something outside of you to make you feel better. Feeling lack and need as your center when you pray, and having the expectation that whatever you pray for will make you feel abundant. Prayers sourced in abundance: Believing you’ll receive it if it’s meant to be. Not attached to the outcome. You feel abundant regardless of if your prayer is fulfilled in the way you expected or not.

Entry 402 - Balance vs Imbalance in Conversations

12/23/20 You either experience balance or imbalance, a healthy distance and closeness or an obsession with closeness. A respect for boundaries, or constantly pushing boundaries. Expressions of balance in any relationship, whether it be with family members, friends, or significant others, stem from the realization of abundance within both people. You both have mutual respect when you are together and mutual respect when you’re apart. When someone is opening up to you, you listen attentively, keeping the focus of your responses on them.  When someone is talking about something in their life, you don’t try to shift the conversation to your life. You listen fully, ask questions, and remain engaged in what they have to say out of respect for the fact that they are speaking and hoping you are listening.  Then the same is granted back to you when they are done. You don’t force the "baton of attention" by taking it from them; you allow them to hand it off to you when they’re ready by...

Entry 401 - No Fear Left to Feel

12/23/20 How do I feel, you may ask? I don’t think any one word could fully encapsulate the way I feel. I’ve reached a powerful level of freedom that young Ky only dreamed could be possible. I no longer allow society, culture, family, friends, or religion to define me. I no longer value other people’s experiences over my own. I no longer place other people’s opinions over my own. I no longer conform to get people to like me. I am who I am, and if people don’t like that, there’s no problem. I have no worries that they will be able to find the door and find someone they do appreciate, just as I would do the same. I see the world that I interact with around me as a reflection of my inner state. Where I live, my career, my friends, and so forth are all constantly reflecting how I am within. I no longer take people projecting negative emotions as personal attacks. I understand it stems from a place that needs to be healed, and so I’m able to have love and compassion for them rather than jud...

Entry 400 - Gently Floating Beyond Duality

12/23/20 So what am I to do?  Follow my heart, even if it leads me away from all that I once knew?  Trust my gut that I’m doing what I’m supposed to do?  To say I don’t know used to be a fear. Now it means I’ve made peace with the unknown. Harmony has re-entered my life. Instead of swimming against the current, I am floating on my back gently down the river.  Not focused on the past or the future, but on the here and right now.  Constantly living on the edge of the unknown, and making the unknown my good friend. No fear, no worry, just complete and total acceptance for what is right now. So my heart sings in tune with the melody of now. The choices I make are no longer in terms of  duality but of reality.  Not in terms of this is the right choice, this is the wrong choice. But in terms of awareness, of completeness.  I now follow what melody makes my heart sing. What enlivens the bones and resurrects my being.  So that is why I follow my hear...

Entry 399 - Reclaim Your Power

12/23/20 You’ve been conditioned your whole life by your family, society, culture, and religion to not trust your own experience over the experience of others. You are told to put faith in other people’s experiences over your own, as if their experience is more important than yours because it was first oral history, then documented in a book, 3,000 years ago. But see, that’s the irony. These people are just like you! You are just like them! They had experiences with God, and you also have experiences with God. The only difference is their experience became part of a religion, and yours became tossed to the side, assuming it would cause division. But what would happen if you put your experience above all other people’s experiences? If you followed your heart? If you trusted God, that He will lead you according to love? Do you really need to read Moses’ story 500 times to learn a lesson that you can barely relate to because you weren’t even there, and the written account only scratc...

Entry 398 - Explaining Synchronicities

12/23/20 Synchronicities like 111, 222, etc., are a reflection that you’re on the right track. The outer world reflects the alignment of your inner world, and being aware of numbers that are in alignment—or numbers outside of you that are not in alignment—helps you reflect on your current state.

Entry 397 - The Stranger That Feels Like Home

12/23/20 Sometimes you’re intrigued by someone… not in a sexually attracted way, but in a “I feel like we’ve met before” way. It’s a sense that our souls know each other. Even though we literally just met, I can’t shake the feeling that this isn’t the first time I’ve been in your presence. It sounds strange, but there seems to be a pull, or an attractive force, deeper than any typical relationship. Almost as if our meeting was designed to happen. Almost like it was planned before we experienced it. Almost as if this was both of our goals before we chose to forget. Now I’m standing in front of you, looking into the eyes of a supposed stranger, and all I feel is home. A stranger with whom I feel a strangely undeniable connection, even though we apparently just met. And you’re telling me that isn’t sus?

Entry 396 - Conditioned Beliefs

12/23/20 I think a lot of Christians have to come to terms with the potential for cognitive dissonance in regard to doctrinal beliefs. We’re taught at a young age by many that questioning anything in Christianity is equal to doubt, and so it’s looked down upon, making us feel “guilty,” so we shy away from it. For example, questioning whether patriarchy is from God is a big deal for certain Christians, depending on what denomination they belong to. Many will actually see this and shut down their critical thinking skills if it threatens the beliefs of their particular denomination. However, questioning everything is a very healthy part of life. You should constantly be questioning the conditioning you’ve assimilated from your family, friends, culture, society, and religion, and recognize what is truly you and what is merely a belief in something else. This is how you break free from debilitating and restrictive ideas and come to realize that you are more than any conditioned belief.

Entry 395 - The World is Beautiful

12/23/20 Do you know how sweet the world is? How beautiful the hills are? Trees have become some of my favorite teachers. Every time I sit to meditate, they’re never too quick or late to send unconditional love to my soul.  The peace, the stillness, the power in their quietness is all so deeply felt. When you tap into the present moment, you realize the deep oneness you share. They don’t force, they don’t resist, they simply be. If someone were to cut them, they let them cut them. They accept their fate even if it means the death of their state.  They are so very alive, and actually communicate to other trees to help them from invasive species. They are caring and supportive of the birds in the air and the spiders that come to create a lair. They don’t turn anything or anyone away, they simply accept all and share their love unconditionally. I love trees. They are so filled with such deep empathy.

Entry 394 - Having vs Being

12/23/20 Being something who you are is different than having something. You are energy, you don’t have energy.  Trust who you are, not what you have. You have a body. You are more than your body. You have a brain. You are energy.  You awakening is you merely forgetting what you are not.

Entry 393 - Jesus Didn't Come To...

12/23/20 Jesus didn’t come to earth to make a new religion called Christianity. God didn’t come to earth to die for God to forgive those made by God and have perfection reinstated. Everything God creates is perfect.  If we choose to create illusory things, that doesn’t mean we, who are one with God, are also forever one with the illusions we’ve created and believed in. It simply means we currently believe in these creations, even though they don’t truly exist. The belief in blood sacrifices isn’t a Creator belief, it’s a deity belief. To point out how that thought process doesn’t even come close to standing up against oneness: why would the Creator need blood to reinstate things when all is already one?

Entry 392 - Healed vs Needs Healing

12/23/20 What you point out in someone is a reflection of what is either healed or not healed, and what they point out in you is a reflection of what is either healed or not healed. Also, your reaction to what they point out in you is a reflection of whether you are healed from that or not because if you know your truth, it won’t phase you one bit, and you’ll be completely aware that they are simply expressing their own unhealed pain. But, if it does cause a reaction, it shows where you still need healing.

Entry 391 - If You Don't Vibe...

12/23/20 If you don’t vibe with someone, consider if it’s because you don’t vibe with those same behaviors in yourself deep within. Does someone’s lack of confidence make you feel uneasy because you hate when you lack confidence? Does someone who gossips all the time make you uncomfortable because you don’t like when you do that? When you can dereference unwanted behavior from the person, you will realize they are no different from you. They’re just on a path of discovering good behavior and releasing negative behavior. They’re finding out, just like you, their mistakes, what works and what doesn’t work, and that timing will differ from your timing. It doesn't mean you have to have them intricately centered in the middle of your life if you both are on two different vibes. So, have patience regardless—they are on a similar journey, my friend.

Entry 390 - Who Really Are You?

12/23/20 Our hair is like the grass, our skin like the dirt. Our fingers like the branches, our likeness like God. Our eyes are like galaxies. Our nose canals with breath entering in like the wind through a tunnel. Our fingerprints like the stump of a tree. Our ears like strings vibrating on a guitar. Our brain like a radio transmitting signals into images. Do you see the universe outside of you is also within you? The interconnectedness between you and everything else within your body runs in beautiful harmony, but can also go into disarray. You are not conscious of each individual cell, yet billions of these cells within you are symbiotically living together as one—moving, doing, and living every single second. In your gut, millions of healthy bacteria are fighting the bad bacteria on your behalf. Do you not see that your whole bodily system is a reflection of the universal system in oneness? That our connection with every part of our bodily system is beautifully interconnected, and ...

Entry 389 - God Can Only Create Perfect Creations

12/14/20 The reason that we do not have a beginning and end is because that which we came from does not have a beginning or end. If our essence is energy, which can be neither created nor destroyed, and that is energy is God, then how could we have a beginning or end if the Source from which we come doesn’t either? God creates through extension of Himself, which is why we were made in the image and likeness of God. Anything that extends from Source is a perfect creation because Source can’t help but create perfection. Anything that is projected into existence that is not perfect is not truly from Source and, therefore, does not truly exist since Source is all there truly is. Anything that is projected into existence at a specific time and place had a beginning and an end and, therefore, is not real and does not truly exist. If you were a projection from God, that would mean you once ceased to exist, you exist now, and you will cease to exist once again, which not only annihilates you b...

Entry 388 - Faith vs Knowing

12/6/20 Do you remember when Jesus said: “Don’t you remember in your scriptures it says, ‘Ye are gods’? Yet you say I blaspheme?” Eternal life is not something you can have; it is something we are in respect to our divine nature as Sons of God. It is upholding the truth that we are eternal, which, by the very respect of being eternal, is without beginning and end. Anything that is considered eternal cannot be withheld from that which is eternal because it always is, so it wouldn’t make sense to say you are granted eternal life at a certain point in time because it’s not something you can grant—it’s a state of being. It’s a declaration of your inherent perfection through your direct and sustained connection to God, The All that is. See, you can’t not be that which you already are, but you can forget that which you once knew. Faith is a stepping stone to clear knowing. Faith is the belief in things unseen; knowing is The All being aware of itself behind all experiences. Trusting that you...

Entry 387 - Insights During Meditation

12/5/20 Quantum physics says that the observer and the observed are the same—they are one. One who identifies with the observer only creates images of the present moment and understands the present moment through those images they have created. For example, when someone who has had a positive experience with the Bible, such as singing and learning valuable lessons from its words, sees the Bible in front of him, the image of his past experience will be applied to the Bible in the present moment. Similarly, if someone was sexually abused by their uncle, who was a Catholic priest, and was forced to go to Mass where he was the priest, every time he sees the Bible, he could apply the images from the past of hypocrisy, terror, and pain because this man who abused him also used this book during his service. The past image of the observer’s experience is being applied in the present moment, and it will vary drastically depending on one’s experience. If one identifies with the observed only, th...

Entry 386 - The Story of the Devil

12/3/20 When you see the devil and hell similar to how you see Santa and the North Pole—a fictional character attached to a holiday—it actually becomes quite comical that you once believed in a devil.  It’s like when you hit that age where you finally realize that Santa and his elves are just fiction and all those presents sent from Santa were really just from your parents. Similarly, all those moments sent from the devil were really just your own moments sent from your higher self.  The Jews don’t even believe in a devil. Instead, they believe there is an angel of God named Lucifer who works under and for God. The concept of the devil was used by men in religion around 4,000 years ago to turn society from a matriarchal society to a patriarchal society by men, such as in the Medo-Persia areas within religions like Zoroastrianism, which Christianity is extremely similar to. Women centuries ago had more power over men (which was obviously still an imbalance and not beneficial fo...

Entry 385 - Stages of Viewing the World

11/30/20 3D in Duality – Comparative 4D in Neutrality – Associative 5D in Unity – Communicative Those in 3D believe that separation is truth and unity is a lie. They believe their religion is true and all others are wrong. Constant victim mentality. They pick a group, nation, ethnicity, community, or party and defend it to their death. Everything happens to them, and they are not responsible for most things. Anything that goes right is because of God; anything that goes wrong is because of the devil. They’re not in control; they’re just like a little leaf being tossed around in a big ocean. Those in 4D see the good in the bad and the bad in the good, recognizing duality as a worldly construct but unity as a definite potentiality that could be present in all situations, even if they don’t fully know how that’s possible yet. They don’t hate anyone, nor do they love everyone yet. They just are. You just are. They view all religions, political parties, ethnicities, etc., more equally and n...

Entry 384 - Transcend All to be like The All

11/28/20 If you keep listening to the same things, going to the same church, reading the same Scriptures, talking to the same people, reacting in the same manner, and living with the same habits, you will not change. You will have the same perception, the same outlook, the same growth, and the same lifestyle. In order to expand yourself, you must expand the lens you look at the world with. If you use glasses that make the world seem a little bit better but still blurry, it will only do so much for you. You still won’t see the clear clouds, the bright stars in the night sky, or the smile from the stranger far away. Religion is like the glasses that help a little, but still make the world seem blurry. Spirituality is like your eye with no glasses and perfect vision, where you finally realize clarity is, and always has been, a part of your very being. The blurriness from religion is not because it is good or bad, but because it has a limited perspective, limiting beliefs, limiting traditi...