Entry 384 - Transcend All to be like The All


If you keep listening to the same things, going to the same church, reading the same Scriptures, talking to the same people, reacting in the same manner, and living with the same habits, you will not change. You will have the same perception, the same outlook, the same growth, and the same lifestyle. In order to expand yourself, you must expand the lens you look at the world with. If you use glasses that make the world seem a little bit better but still blurry, it will only do so much for you. You still won’t see the clear clouds, the bright stars in the night sky, or the smile from the stranger far away.

Religion is like the glasses that help a little, but still make the world seem blurry. Spirituality is like your eye with no glasses and perfect vision, where you finally realize clarity is, and always has been, a part of your very being. The blurriness from religion is not because it is good or bad, but because it has a limited perspective, limiting beliefs, limiting traditions, and limiting doctrines that are sourced in separation. In order for one religion to establish itself from another, it must have limits, or else it isn’t religion—it’s just spirituality.

An example of this is when certain denominations within Christianity say, “You must believe this creed and think of God in our way in order to be a member of our church and to be saved.” However, spirituality doesn’t limit what you believe and what you think. Once again, religion needs boundaries to be alive because that is how it exists as a separate entity. If it didn’t have boundaries, the religion would just be pure spirituality—no limits on perception, perspective, doctrines, ideas, or beliefs.

Since God transcends all limitations, if you wish to be more like God, you would move toward transcending all limitations, including those that religion has set in order to keep you boxed in. You would make it a goal to be open-minded to all, to learn from all, to grow with all, to desire to expand your perspective until all you see is All as All. Seeing All as All threatens religion just like it threatens the ego. 

Anything that has division from something else is similar to the ego in that it believes division is necessary to mete out who is saved and who is not saved. Religion is sourced in duality because it needs to convince you that within its doctrines, beliefs, scriptures, and ideas, there is salvation; and without it, there is pain, suffering, and eternal damnation.

However, the minute you see religion like the ego—as nothing more than an illusory idea used to explore our consciousness—you see that it truly has no power over you. It’s a learning device, similar to the ego. Anything sourced in separation is not real. It is a figment of the mind’s temporary belief in separation, which is not our true reality. 

Spirituality is the unknown territory of the All. It does not limit; it does not say “do this” or “don’t do this.” There are no rules, no excuses, no regrets. It’s flirting with the unknown. It’s the divine, limitless dance with God, the All. It’s the sweet nectar of the fruit that never stops supplying its juices. It’s the freedom to be you, regardless of anything outside of you.

It’s the expansion of your being, the expression of your deepest truth. It’s an existence without chains. A life without reservations. Purpose and meaning are created by you, not for you through religion. You recognize the holy encounter of God in all situations, places, people, emotions, and so forth, and no longer see the separation that religion tried so hard for you to believe in. All you see is the All. All you experience is the experience. Simply by being you, you, as freedom, set others free.


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