Entry 385 - Stages of Viewing the World


3D in Duality – Comparative

4D in Neutrality – Associative

5D in Unity – Communicative

Those in 3D believe that separation is truth and unity is a lie. They believe their religion is true and all others are wrong. Constant victim mentality. They pick a group, nation, ethnicity, community, or party and defend it to their death. Everything happens to them, and they are not responsible for most things. Anything that goes right is because of God; anything that goes wrong is because of the devil. They’re not in control; they’re just like a little leaf being tossed around in a big ocean.

Those in 4D see the good in the bad and the bad in the good, recognizing duality as a worldly construct but unity as a definite potentiality that could be present in all situations, even if they don’t fully know how that’s possible yet. They don’t hate anyone, nor do they love everyone yet. They just are. You just are. They view all religions, political parties, ethnicities, etc., more equally and neutrally.

They see heaven and hell as both being present on this earth. They still feel like things are happening to them rather than for them, but they aren’t playing the victim anymore. They see themselves still caught up in good and evil, but they accept it rather than reject it. They take responsibility to re-condition themselves after family, society, and religion spent all those years conditioning them according to their desires. They recognize they must be the change they want to see in the world.

Those in 5D see beyond good and bad. They fully realize everyone and everything is connected in some way and are inherently one. They love everyone divinely and entirely. They see the world as a mirror that reflects what is either healed or needs to be healed within themselves. They appreciate and learn from all but are not tied down by any one society, religion, community, etc.

They have compassion for those hurting others, recognizing the source of their hurt is ignorance and a perceived lack of love, not a devil. They understand fully that they create their own reality. They have fully stepped into their power and no longer play the victim. They recognize that they either create heaven or hell on this earth, so they choose to only create heaven. They take full responsibility for all their creations, mis-creations, and current vibration. They assist those in the world with elevating their vibrations.


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