Entry 414 - The Patterns of the Universe

Entry 414 - March 2021

Sometimes, when your soul harmonizes with another’s, vibrating at the same frequency, you feel a pull toward them. It’s an indescribable connection that isn’t easily categorized as platonic, romantic, or sexual. It’s a divine connection that makes you want to explore and understand that person deeply, as if they’re a universe. You feel like probing their depths will teach you more about yourself. Yet, it’s essential to respect boundaries because not everyone wants to be probed.

Entry 414.1 - 4/7/21

What if the patterns of the universe are universally aligned in complete harmony, awaiting our decoding? Through science, we can acknowledge the depth of these patterns through exact scientific principles. It’s not a matter of conjecture; rather, the more we learn, the more we refine the process of understanding life.


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