Oh to Laugh at Death

When you can laugh at death knowing it’s not the end but only the beginning of a new and exciting adventure, what do you fear?

The ego needs to wrap your fears in death because that is what it is most afraid of going through because it knows when you die, it ceases to exist and you continue onwards.

If you’re not afraid that food can potentially kill you, what does it cling to in order to guarantee your commitment to its survival for a little while longer? If you’re not afraid of heights what does it cling to in order to feel alive? If you’re not afraid of hell then what story does it cling to so that it can label you and itself as righteous and others as unrighteous if oneness has overwritten the ego’s hierarchy of separation and damnation? 

The ego death while you’re alive doesn’t mean it just ceases to exist, it means you’re now the rightful master of your entire earthen vessel rather than a servant of a close minded, short sighted mechanical, survival process that saw the light and dark and was always afraid of the dark. Your ego saw the life and death and was always afraid of the death. It saw the 0s and 1s and was always afraid of the 1s. It saw the love and the fear and was always afraid of the fear. 

Now as you take back your power and recognize you are more than just your left brain processes. You are more than your body. You are more than binaries. You are more than death. You fear not even fear itself. For all is meant to show you what you truly are: a powerful, eternal, limitless, multidimensional entity capable of all because you are one with All.


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