Interpretations of Jesus’ words that just makes sense

“Repent for the kingdom of God has drawn near.”

Repent of sin as in "Repent of your twisted idea of sin that you are separate from God and from others", not "Repent of your sin because you're evil and separated." The latter would imply separation is real (eternal) rather than temporary however if God is oneness, then separation cannot be real. 

“I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me.”

The Pharisees and Sadducees believed they could still return to God and hate Jesus but Jesus was aware of their hate and said this in response to the hate they had for Jesus. Jesus made it clear that through love and acceptance of your brother, you make the way back to God possible. Through hatred, you can’t expect to return back to God when you not only believe in your separation, but you hate that which you feel separate from (even though in our essence, we never left God because we are all one deep within). 

Interestingly enough, many people within Christianity take this phrase as evidence of their belief in separation by assuming only Jesus is capable of being the way, truth and life rather than recognizing Jesus affirming his oneness with God is by no means denying our own oneness with God. 

Why would Jesus speak so much on oneness and then create this alternate belief that he alone has this access to God and others are truly separate from God and need Jesus' special pass to get to God? His response was 100% in response to the hate he was referring to. Not to some special divinity that we have no access to besides through him. It's no shock that the Jews also assumed wrongly by stating Jesus was upholding his oneness with God and denying their oneness with God. 

Lastly, Jesus didn’t die to appease God of his wrath and vengeance. Jesus died to show you that you too could conquer death because you are more than the body.  


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