Stages of Widening One’s Perspective

Trusting one's religion or set of beliefs and distrusting all other religions and the world.

Exploring different branches within the religion and different beliefs but still distrusting other religions and the world.

Exploring other religions and their belief systems and making connections between their old religion and the new ones they are exploring.

Realizing there is a deeper commonality between all religions and starting to trust the world more.

Hopping from belief system to belief system, going from identifying with beliefs to not identifying with beliefs. Seeing each and all more as one.

Realizing that beliefs and religion are temporary but our oneness with all is eternal. Starts trusting oneself and one's own instincts. Goes within and explored the depths of one's being. No longer believes that limiting doctrine: "You can’t trust yourself." Also starts to trust others from all over and the world as you now realize you and everyone else are the creators of your current realities. 

In a constant state of non-judgement and acceptance. Constantly observing without adding negative energy or being defensive because we are not threatened by their beliefs because we ourselves are not identified with any. Freedom felt in our being. 


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