I Am an Autodidact Polymath

I’m what they might consider an autodidact polymath which essentially means I like learning for the sake of learning any and all things that I currently do not know about. I am a seeker of knowledge, wisdom, understanding. I search far and wide in a multiplicitous of fields to understand different components that eventually help me make sense more of one whole area. 

I take time out of my day to study simply because I love to learn. I don’t need a degree in all these areas to have a passion to learn about them. I love studying different philosophies, mathematics, astronomy, classical physics, quantum physics, religion, literature, history (even though it’s incredibly bias) and more. 

I noticed doing this helps me to have a bigger picture mentality when looking at single subjects because through my findings, everything is interrelated in some way, so they are all important. 

For example, if you understand that the Bible is not merely seen by it’s followers as a sacred text dropped down from God through men, but also the Jews attempting to preserve and save their history and retain their religious practices throughout the years, then you’ll understand why a majority of the Old Testament is extremely boring with genealogies, measurements to build their traditional religious objects and homes, and rules that they were to follow. 


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