Entry 430 - Tired of "Karens" Disrespecting Western Doctors


There are people out there who be like, “I don’t trust Western medicine or doctors.”

Okay, sure. And this is what I would say back to them:

Instead of medicine, how about you guess around with which herbs to use and how much to take for your diabetes?

You don’t trust Western doctors who’ve spent seven to ten years preparing in their field. That’s fine. How about you ask your friend to go ahead and give you that surgery?

Oh, you think doctors aren’t suitable for helping with pregnancies. Okay, Karen, how about you have your baby in your backyard, and if things start going wrong, like the umbilical cord being wrapped around your baby’s neck threatening its life, you can deal with it without any professional guidance?

Oh, you don’t trust the diagnosis of a professional doctor, but you think your diagnosis from WebMD is correct? Makes sense.

You don’t trust medicine, but you do trust your multi-level marketing nutrition supplement business from a nutritionist who believes drinking silver cures all forms of disease? Yeah, makes sense.


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