Arguments Against Transgenderism

As a transgender person myself, I’ve come across some Christians who use arguments against transgenderism but then fail to see that their arguments can be used against themselves.  It’s often hard for someone to relate to another experience when they create an illusive border against their changes and someone else’s changes, and I’m here to hopefully help people recognize that our physical bodily changes are just as valid as theirs, and just like they shouldn’t be judged or condemned to hell for changing their body, we shouldn’t be either. 

Oftentimes, people do not personally dig into what is happening with transitioning and so they reach conclusions that are not supported by science and are often confusing because their arguments also apply to themselves. For example, you may hear someone argue “Transgender is a sin” and if you ask why, they reveal they have an issue with you changing your body to conform with your gender identity. Now I have a question: Where does it say in the Bible that changing things about your body is a sin? It doesn’t because ironically, there is no verse stating that. In fact, change and transformation for that which is best for you and everyone else written thousands of times all over the Bible. There is also the obvious point that they didn’t have the education or technology to be able to help transgender folks with gender incongruence so it wasn’t even a discussion back then.

So if someone is going to argue, “Changing your body is a sin”, then they have to consider ALL cases of changing your body, not just some body parts that certain people get more emotionally charged about. Using their logic would mean for Becky it’s a sin to get a boob job because she’s changing her body. Or for John it’s a sin to get a nose job because he’s changing his body. Or for Patrick it’s a sin to get a robotic arm because he’s changing his body. Or for the patient with uncontrollable seizures, it’s a sin to get brain implants to stop his seizures. 

That means it’s a sin to get eye surgery because you’re changing it, to change your hair color because you’re changing your body, to shave your legs because you’re changing it or to get ear implants to hear because you’re changing your body. Picking and choosing after one makes a blanket open statement like that with no Biblical proof is like me saying crabs are all mini devils because I said so and then pointing to a storybook that isn’t even about crabs.

However some may go further and argue, “Well so many of those are helping you become healthier” or “Well some of them are life and death situations and others are just preferences”. If you were to open that jar, then you would definitely be for transgender folks receiving medical treatment to conform their bodies to their minds because they have one of the highest suicidal rates for the smallest category of people in the nation. If something is so distressing you actually contemplate suicide, then wouldn’t you help this person receive whatever positive help they can muster so they don’t feel like they have to end their life? So like I was saying, if you’re willing to look at what is healthiest for people, then you’d be for whatever is healthiest for that person, regardless of if you fully understand it or not. 

When did it become a sin to do what you wanted to your body which makes you healthier, happier, and more at peace? There’s no Bible verse that says it’s a sin and so by projecting their own unsupported opinions in it, they are digging themselves into a hole of unnecessary judgement that only hurts themselves. I highly recommend encouraging people to do whatever is healthiest for themselves in every possible respect, because by doing so, you will not only help that person through your positive support, but also you will help yourself. 

Jesus said “Do unto others as you would do unto yourself.” Simply put, if you were put in this position where your brain did not match your body, consider how you would like to be treated. If the medical science exists to help you live your best life and create congruency between your brain and body, would you seek that help and would you want people to support you or judge you? 

And before you judge that statement, remember gender incongruence is backed up by thousands of scientific articles proven with MRI’s the validity that trans people experience a genuine incongruence with their bodies and minds. So all I can say is you cannot go wrong with love and support, and I hope and pray you choose this path of least resistance and the happiest of all commissions. 


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