So many systems are bent towards dualism

It can be frustrating because the way our school and education is set up is not for you to learn how to think for yourself, but to regurgitate the information they want you to believe.

You’re taught the most powerful forms of intelligence is memorization rather than conceptualization and abstraction.

They would rather have you explain what they want you to explain rather than you come up with your own ideas of what happened.

For example, in our history classes, we would be graded on regurgitating the events and what dates and times they happened and would get marked down if we said them not how they were said to us. 

Or for example, we were taught how to do algebra but now how to apply it in school. Yes in college but that is many years later and requires you to pay for that.

Similar with religion. You are considered a good steward and follower of Christ for regurgitating out-dated and old beliefs that are sourced in concepts that make literally no sense according to mathematics and physics and you’re seen as bad for questioning what you’ve been told to believe in. 

Your cognitive dissonance is appraised as faithful and your questioning is seen as toxic and scary. See how the system is bent to keep you in a perpetual state of dualism?


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