Entry 438 - Follow Your Heart


At the end of the day, your beliefs create stories about life, but they aren’t Life itself.

It’s like the layer of fudge above the white fluff of the cake. It’s the fudge (story), not the actual fluff (Life). It might seem like it at times because they are very close together, but no matter how hard the fudge (matter) tries, it will never be the exact same consistency, elements, or properties to make it part of the actual fluff (Life Force/Energy).

Through these stories, you create tales of demons, of devils, of good and bad, of objects and ideas that trigger you into panic and anxiety episodes, and other beliefs that cause you to act heroically and positively for your community. You battle the bad, and you team up with the good, and you feel really good about yourself. Through these stories, you create more stories embedded one within another, similar to how a spider weaves a web.

The more stories that are told, the stronger the web you’ve created, and the harder to free oneself from the webs you’ve created. But maybe that’s the point for you. You are not yet ready to explore other webs made by other spiders with their unique stories. You are not ready to see the designs of other webs, for you currently have no interest in their designs (beliefs) at the moment, and that's absolutely fine. You came to explore, and part of that exploration is experiencing tunnel vision on your current belief system.

Maybe you currently enjoy the comfort of believing your stories to be absolute reality. You find comfort in the idea that these stories of life are comprehensible by your brain, and that gives you peace, thinking you know as much as you do about life. However, there are others who have experienced enough comfort with stories and have decided to focus on what they know, not what they think they know.

They focus on mathematics, science, psychology, and they grow and expand in areas that we physically have data on. They study the stars, they explore the properties of other planets. They learn about quantum physics, and so instead of spending 20 years studying different ways to interpret and find meaning in the same story over and over again, they discover new laws and properties that change lives. Their way of life, focusing on what they know, is no greater nor worse than your life focused on stories and beliefs. This is just the web they have designed and wish to explore.

At the end of the day, whatever web you create is an experience you wanted on that day, and when you no longer want to experience it, you have every ability to weave a new web to explore. Don't judge, just follow where your heart is leading you to. Whether that's the study of religions, then so be it. Whether that's predominantly the study of mathematics, then so be it. Whatever it is, follow your heart. It knows the way back home.


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