What do you think happens after death?

I don’t want to limit what could happen after death so I’ll simply tell you what makes the most sense according to quantum physics and honoring the limitlessness of energy as we know it. Energy loves to experience itself. First of all, quanta is the smallest unit of energy that we can currently perceive. We are made of quanta which are energy particles which are eternal. They cannot be created or destroyed but they can be transferred. 

When you eat a chicken you are absorbing the chicken’s quanta particles and making it a part of you. When you breathe in the air, you are absorbing the quanta in the air. When you eat broccoli, you are absorbing the quanta in that broccoli. Some might say the broccoli becomes a part of you, and if you say that you also have to recognize that you become a part of the broccoli. There is a perfect symbiosis on both ends. There are no corners cut or imbalances. Energy is transferred and both parties benefit, whether one and/or the other are aware of it.

So a quantum physics principle is that the observer and the observed are one and the same. What that means is there is no true separation between the two. They are one. So if this applies to quanta and you are made up of millions if not billions and trillions of quanta particles, then this also applies to you. If you aren’t energy then this wouldn’t apply to you and you wouldn't exist. However, since you are made of energy, this does apply to you. 

So why is this principle important in how I view after death? Well to me, it doesn’t just apply after death, but before birth, during life and after and all that is in between. Since time as linear is truly an illusion, it is Now that this principle is applied and incredibly potent and powerful if one grasps the wisdom from that which it holds.

You see if you view yourself as not only the observer, but the observed, you start to have a more expanded view of yourself. You then begin to venture into experiencing yourself as the Awareness behind the cause and effect, the observer and the observed. You start to relate to yourself as the I Am, Being, the Flow rather than just the little piece of paper tossed around by events outside of you that you have no control over. 

See, perceiving yourself as you truly are, eternal, limitless energy as the observer and the observed, the awareness and the All, you then feel empowered to take full responsibility for your life. You take responsibility for your more than you have been conditioned by society to take. You might regret some experiences you chose to experience during this incarnation for whatever reason you chose it, or you may feel guilty or shameful for other things that you created, but part of the journey is learning to embrace everything we experience with love and forgiveness. To move from a place of brokenness and pain to a place of healing and love.  

So let me use an example of what I mean by when I say this quantum physics principle allows you to take 100% responsibility for your entire life which is empowering. If you came to experience all that is, then it would make sense that you would have many incarnations where you experienced different aspects of life. Maybe in one incarnation you lived to a ripe old age of 100 years old and then in another one you barely survived until 6 years old. Maybe in one incarnation you were the abuser, and another one you were the abused. Maybe in one you hit someone with your car and killed someone and then in another someone hit you with their car and killed you. Maybe in another you were homeless then right after you were a famous singer that helped changed the world for the better. 

So by me saying I take full responsibility for everything in my life, I firmly believe I decided and arranged who would be my parents, my siblings, key friends and key people to reflect aspects of my shadows, big events I wanted to experience, my gifts, talents, and calling and more. I would choose certain intense tribulations to be triggered if I didn’t wake up at a certain age and live my truth and I would also ask for certain things to be triggered positively in this incarnation to accomplish whatever I set out to accomplish. In this way, I can’t be the victim and blame satan or God for anything in my life because I take full responsibility for my whole life. Plus I wouldn’t even want to be the victim because then if that were truly the case, then that would mean I’m truly powerless. 

However, knowing that I am quanta and I am more than simply just the observer. I’m also the observed and the awareness behind both, I am able to step into my power and attempt to consciously create my reality as much as possible. I know this will be a hard one to digest for many, so remember no one is forcing you to believe this, just like you’re not forcing me to believe how you currently do. For me, seeing life in this way helps empower me and to take responsibility and if it can help someone else, then it was worth sharing. My reality might be different than yours and so if this doesn’t fit your desire interpretation of life, then don’t force yourself to believe it. Follow your heart. Follow what resonates with your soul. That’ll be what’s best for you. 


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