Entry 442 - The Idea You Need This Is Bogus


"We need longer hair to have a closer connection to God" - bogus

"We need tarot readings to give us direction." - bogus

"We need crystals to raise our frequencies." - bogus

"We need to accept the belief system that bad aliens are trying to control us." - bogus

Why would we need something when we are one with everything? What I mean by this is that by being one with The All, the Creator, Source—whatever you want to call it—we, by our very nature of inheritance, inherit all by simply being or existing.

Everything is a reflection of something that is already within us. There’s nothing we don’t have because we are one with The One who has all, because The One Is All, and we are part of that All. Where does one stop and the other begin? We tell ourselves.

Where does hot water stop and cold water start? We create these divisions to experience ourselves in exciting new ways. To be absolute and experience oneness with no illusions is an exciting experience. To dive into the world of illusions and experience assumed division and opposition for a short period of time is also exciting.

How do we know what hot is if we’ve only experienced the cold? How do we know what it’s like to defy all odds and raise ourselves from poverty if we’ve never experienced anything but being rich and having money handed to us? We came to experience ourselves, not to judge temporary play as our decider for infinite salvation.

According to the definition of eternity within science, to judge temporary play as our decider for infinite salvation doesn’t make sense because if our salvation was always infinite and eternal, finite actions wouldn’t be able to determine our eternal destination because we would technically already and always be there, because that’s how eternity works.


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