Entry 2,366 - November 25, 2024 A real ascended master sees people as they really are—no beginning and no end, the eternal now, love expressed. The ego is an impersonal field that becomes more aligned with its blueprint (goals, dreams, passions, life purpose) the more one follows the impulse of awakening to their already enlightened Self. Entry 2,367 - November 26, 2024 “God is the fractal expression of who you are. In the now you hold the power of the entire structure of that frequency.” — Quote from anonymous Entry 2,368 - November 26, 2024 I encourage everyone to listen to the audiobook by David Goggins, where he talked about how he put what his haters said on a mixtape and would jam out to it in the morning. That was a powerful lesson for me. Being able to use the negativity people throw at us as fuel to be better, to improve ourselves, and to achieve our goals is huge. I call it dark grace because it shows us and gives us a power boost in the direction of our goals, and it gives u...
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