Entry 450 - Entry 451

Entry 450 - Relationships and Boundaries

Everything is interconnected in some way. What you let into your field will slowly become a part of your own energetic field. If you don’t want certain things to become a part of you, you must set boundaries and be stern with them.

People who want will try to take if you do not set these boundaries, and as an empath, you will absorb their energy and become like them unless you create boundaries.

I feel like this has saved me from so much unnecessary pain, and yes, people might be upset that you aren’t giving them what they want, but what is best for you is best for both of you.

Sometimes a boundary can be around how much time is spent on someone or even the actual relationship itself. Do you see them how they see you? If not, what boundaries do you need to put down? How would you like that to change?

Entry 451 - If you hate being alone... 


Many people think being alone is boring because they are only seeing themselves from their limitations. They may assume:

"I can only laugh if I’m with someone."

"I can only have fun if I’m with someone."

However, these are all self-imposed limitations they place on themselves voluntarily until they choose not to. But if they connect to their multidimensional self—the past, present, and future selves existing all in this very present moment—and if they see themselves beyond the body, beyond the planet, beyond the galaxy, and also within it, they will not be bored.

Because they are all those things and more, condensed in an illusory area of space and time that will one day fold over to reveal it was nothing more than The All. Oneness as their essence. Life as their reality.



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