Jesus Always Taught True Oneness (We Are All One)

Some Christians don’t believe in free will others do.

Believing is tied to some future choice but even the future is now. The only true reality we have is right now. Any idea projected in the future is an illusion because again all we truly have is now. To believe that you must believe in something linearly in the future from now or from the past and that your salvation is dependent on a belief is to believe that linear time is eternal and that would mean duality is eternal and we’re all screwed. That would mean satan was always satan and the battle will never end because it never began because it always was. 

Belief is tied up in an idea. Ideas come and go. They have a beginning and an end, just like your body has a beginning and an end. To believe that an idea about something can save you, such as who is God who isn’t, is to identify not only your life with an idea that is temporary and doesn’t truly exist, but to tie your eternal existence with a temporal idea that will cease to exist and that logically doesn’t make sense.

When Jesus said “believe in me and you shall live” you have to understand he was trying to use the language, interpretations and ideas of that time to make sense of the higher truths he was trying to show them. Jesus was trying to bring the Jews beyond religion, not back into it. Jesus was trying to move people beyond a realm of limitations, not back into them. He constantly challenged religion rather than submitting to it. Jesus never said we weren’t like him, rather he said we were like him multiple times. 

When people accused Jesus claiming to be God Jesus pointed back to their scripture that said “Ye are gods”. Jesus never said he was better than them, he even said “the works I do you will do even greater.” Jesus demonstrated true humility that all were like him and him like them. How? Because we are all one with the Creator. To say one is better than the other or closer to the Creator when all is really one would make no sense. That’s like saying ice cubes are better than melted ice because it’s a cube form rather than liquid form. They are still both water! Just because one form is Jesus and the other form is Bob doesn’t mean one form is better than the other. They are still both one with God! And if you can accept it, since oneness creates no distinction between one form or another, then in their very essence, they are God.


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