Entry 415 - Activating & Deactivating DNA


We have access not only to our DNA, but our DNA rests upon our ancestors’ DNA and continues onward with a vast store of knowledge. Not only that, but as our DNA connects back to those strands, we are in a process of removing membranes and reactivating extra DNA strands that allow us more access to all of us existing simultaneously in this present moment. So past incarnations and future incarnations are all happening now, and the more we reintegrate, rebalance, and re-harmonize our energy centers, the more we will be able to receive the benefits from these other incarnations.

You have the ability to activate or deactivate certain DNA encodings from your ancestors’ lineage as well as from your own vibrant and unique DNA, which encompasses and embodies your wholeness in the present moment. In order to access any part of yourself that is existing—whether that is baby you, future you, past incarnation you, or future incarnation you—you must have that encoding accessible through a portion of your psyche. Your consciousness chose to limit itself temporarily through the body, so it had to create a way for this information and wisdom to still be accessible, despite this limitation. Therefore, it chose to make these encodings available through your DNA. People often refer to this as “junk DNA,” but truly it is your wholeness. By localizing and focusing on an aspect of yourself, this portion of your “junk DNA” is able to tap into a reality that is coexisting with yours, whichever you would like.

Do not worry about being tossed around by the whims of your ancestors’ DNA or your past and future experiences. The point of power is in the Now. You are the creator of your own reality. You can choose to activate whatever DNA you want, and also choose to deactivate whatever DNA you want. Once you become conscious and aware of your ability to do so, you feel less like a victim and more like the captain of your entire existence. You feel rightfully responsible and safe because you know you are not tossed around by outside forces but rather guided gently with a desire to do what is best for yourself, which will be what is best for everyone else. Fear nothing, for you are one with everything.


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