Entry 163: One of the Biggest Lies Created


Biggest lie purported by religion: My God is for me and against them, so whatever heinous act of violence and murder we do against our enemies in the name of God is fully justified.

The truth of the matter is that God is for everyone. He is not simply their God or my God, He is everyone's God and is on everyone's side. People must stop this divisive mentality by seeing people as their enemy because they follow a different religion, or they're a different ethnicity, or they have different values. We all must stop justifying atrocities by labelling others as God's enemy. 

The Lord our God is one. He is not divisive, He loves everyone and desires all men to be saved and none to perish. Whatever narrative people create to justify killing, hurting, abusing other human beings will one day backfire onto them and their actions will be judged by the truth. 


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