Entry 136 - Food For Thought


Time is linear, but we also know that there exists multiple dimensions at the same time. Through quantum physics, we are aware that everything already exists, it's just a matter of it being "discovered" or waiting to be "revealed through thought". 

Whatever one can think, they can either reveal something profound, such as a law, or manifest something into their life. It already exists, it just needs to be discovered or manifested. 

For example, the law of gravity was already a fact before Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law. However, once he used his mind to find the existence of that law, we then recognized that law's existence. 

We're in a world of constant discovery and creation. Whatever is out there already exists on a particular dimension, but based off of our thoughts, we can discover and create, or we can let someone else do that for us. Many times, people allow others to create a narrative for their own lives. 

They let their parents choose their major. They let their friends choose their other friends. They let their grades choose their potential, and so on. However, we can choose to regain that element of creativity and discovery by actively engaging in the process every day consciously.

Creating our own narrative in life is very similar to the process of buying fruits at a grocery store. At the store there exists apples, bananas, kiwi and so on. Let's say you want bananas. Based off of what you think you want, and then with your desire to have it, you'll eventually have bananas in your own kitchen, and then one day in your tummy. 

What once existed outside of you, is now within you, where your body takes the good and excretes the bad. Then the cycle continues. We take that which is exists outside of us, and we make it a part of us in some way. 

Similarly, the Universe is a storehouse of options, and you are the chooser of those options. In the Universe, all your options exist already, whether visible or invisible. Their existence is a reality, and it's your choice what becomes a part of you. 

Some people are very aware and consciously choose the options from this massive storehouse we call the Universe that act in accordance with their highest purpose and which is the best for their narrative, while leaving the bad. Then there are others who are in a cycle where they keep unconsciously allowing the bad to leak in through their preconditioned mindsets, and by others who are creating for them their narrative stories.

I encourage everyone to be very clear, very transparent of the type of life they wish to live, what they wish to accomplish, and to act in accordance with this plan you have charted out. When one chooses order over chaos, they choose to actively engaged in consciously creating the most optimized life they desire. 

And I absolutely believe that God delights in seeing you choose to create your narrative in a way that makes you happy and brings life through you to others, and in your discovery of how the Universe works. So in short, may this be a call to look forward to discovering more about this Universe, and for preparing to create a positive narrative in our own lives.


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