Entry 158: Simplistic Lifestyle

I embraced suffering and unhappiness for love and acceptance and if I could go back in time and find younger Ky, I'd walk through that door, slap her face, tell her to wake up, that she has only one life, and she's wasting it doing what everyone else wants her to do, and to start living in such a way that brings her happiness. Then I'd zap myself back to the present and pray to God she took my advice. Obviously that is not possible, but starting now with trying to be authentically me is much better than starting ten years from now, and luckily I'm fully aware of my mistake and have no desire to ever go back to that type of living.

I write all this because it's a part of that freeing process and being authentic with who I truly am. I know I still have ways to go, but at least I'm living more of my life the way I wish to live, and I want my friends and family who are around me and care about me to know I am so much happier doing so.


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