Entry 148 - The Brain on Forgetting and Remembering


Someone once told me people can only process up to 50 bits per second of information, and that the brain naturally forgets what it deems as unimportant. So that's why oftentimes, if people bring any new knowledge that is either foreign to them, that could tear down the identity they created through things outside of themselves, or threatens the concept they created of themselves, even if it's completely positive and helpful in some way, the brain will reject the knowledge, and it will no longer be remembered.

This is strange but also very intriguing to know that our brain is preconditioned to trust and desire certain outcomes and deem others as unimportant and not necessary. However, when one can leave the mindset of us vs them, or the knowledge of our religion is better than the knowledge of your religion, and step into a higher plane of reality, then one experiences freedom of living life in a way they perhaps have never imagined before. 

This new plane of living does not control the person with fear or through a divisive mentality. It frees people by helping them see themselves in everyone, and everyone in themselves. You now see the law of reciprocity at work. What's in them is in me, what's in me is in them. No religion can lay sole claim to complete, infallible perfect truth because religion is incomplete in itself. It was created to make sense of that which is beyond all senses through a particular framework of concepts and belief systems. Each one is a means to an end, but not an end in itself. It can only point to the Source. It cannot fully become the source due to its limitations of its creation from a limited mindset.

God, on the other hand, is complete and is the Source. So when one inhibits religion from boxing oneself into a limited perspective and begins to see everyone as a teacher of God's truth, one has reached a dangerous level of freedom. They have unlocked their brain from dismissing what is actually beneficial for themselves instead of keeping their brain locked up in the cage it was once confined to. 


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