Entry 154 - Growing Apart


Because of this journey I'm on, I've recognized that people who are not open, who are not willing to be challenged, who find differing views as threatening, are those who I grow more apart from in the most natural way.

Quantum theory tells us the observer and the observed are the same. Your world without is a reflection of your world within. What is within you begins to be mirrored in the world without. Because of this, if you continue to grow, challenge yourself, elevate, there will be people who are not willing to do the same, and they'll be left behind on your journey. 

It's not that your journey or their journey is better, it's just different paths, different roads. Some people desire comfort over challenge. Some people prefer the mental conditioning they've grown up with that they have no desire to challenge it. 

Some people consider it taboo to question everything. So even if you try to, there is no response because they either can't or they don't want to have their world view changed. Again, it's okay, it's just a different way of living. 

Some live in a certain pattern for decades. Others seek to understand the patterns quickly, the underlying notion, the way the universe operates, the way everything works. They realize the more they learn, the more they realize they don't know. 

It's endless, but that endlessness excites them. Even though it is sad to leave some people behind, there's an understanding that what's best for both will be the outcome. 


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