Entry 159: Lesson on Labelling

Here's the thing. I'm just doing me. I'm doing what makes sense, what comes naturally, what feels right. I feel no need to explain myself, to label myself. I just do what I do. I do, and I be and that should be enough for you. If you want to call me a Christian, okay that's great. You want to call me a computer science student, alright sure. 

Heck, if you want to call me a tractor, that's fine because no matter what label you try to stick onto me, it doesn't affect me in the slightest because I know who I am. To some they need to have labels to feel special, important or to fit in with a group. But some of us don't need it. We just want to be. 

Labelling isn't bad in itself, but through it, people can use labels to judge someone. Either she's with us or she's not. She's this and we're not. Wow, look at how horrible she is for being a *fill in the blank here.* It's easy to judge when you have labels, but without them, where does that leave you? A human being? A living, breathing soul made in the image and likeness of God? The body made out of Star dust? A force of energy? 

I am simply who I am. You want to call me Kylee, that's great. You want to call me Pablo that's great. Calling me either/or doesn't add or take away from who I am, so it doesn't matter to me. I am more than just my name. I am more than just my past. I am more than the labels placed onto me.

 I am more than just my age. I am more than just what University I studied at. I am more than just my love life. Yes, that might be components of my current reality, but labels cannot do proper justice in fully defining who I am. 
I am more than labels, I am more than what I do, I am more than what I say. I am who I am. I am a child of God, and I am one with Him. Now my question is, who are you?


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