Entry 139 - A Universe Within a Universe


Look into you, and you'll discover another Universe with no end and no beginning. A Universe living in a Universe. Each person has their own form and identity, but they also have something beyond that. 

Something deeper, something stronger, something beyond what the eye can make sense of. Within each person are the mysteries of a new world, new ideas, new tastes, new perspectives, new outlook. 

When one looks within, they realize their reality is beautifully unique, but strangely familiar. They can't make sense of it, yet they feel the truth of that soul and recognize it for all its glory. 

Beyond words, beyond thoughts, there lies a connection between that manifested human and the unmanifested Source. Where one starts and the other begins, who truly knows, but the connection exists in all. 

When one finds that, they find the oneness we all share. The oneness, deeper than the deepest roots. The oneness, stronger than the strongest chains. The oneness that one day will bring full unity visibly back into the world. The oneness that will restore the heavens and earth to not simply it's primal glory, but a glory beyond glories.


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