Entry 143 - It's All Worth It


So much is twisted by the collective ego (sinful nature)
If you don't ever party, the ego tries to convince you that you're missing out.
If you're a virgin, it lies to you and says that is because you can't get some.
If you question everything, you're seen as bad.
If you just listen and obey the lifestyle you were grown into, then you are accepted and applauded. 
If you rebel, you are dismissed and your family and friends might disown you.
When you don't act in accordance with how people want you to act, even when your actions make you happy, and they benefit all mankind, you still make men angry at you.

Perhaps there's more, but if you notice anything, it's this: Where you push, the ego will try to pull.

Where you try to break free from unconsciousness, the ego will try to pull you back into unconsciousness. 

The collective ego will try to convince you that you're evil for questioning your preconditioned programming up until this point of life. 

But you must recognize that your desire to become more conscious of all that is in you and around you will help you stay on track to God. Until one day, you hear those words: "Well done, good and faithful servant" from God Himself.


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