Entry 33 - Lesson on the Present

I think it's so easy for many of us to get caught in the what ifs. What if I don't find a job? What if I don't get accepted into that college? What if I don't find somebody to marry? All these what ifs are paralyzing because it takes you out of the present and leads you on an unstable thinking of the future where there are no guarantees, no for sures, nothing set and stone, just the unknown.

However, when you choose to dwell in the present, acknowledge the present, remain in the present, and to not overthink about all the what ifs, you free yourself from what could be and instead begin to enjoy what is.

Maybe one day in the present, in the now, someone surprises you with a gift you've always wanted, or a heart melting kiss, or a present that leaves you in shock, or a ticket to somewhere far away. Experience that, live in that, be in that. Maybe none of those things happen. That's okay, the present can still be enjoyed, it's actually the most enjoyable place to put your mind's attention on because it's the only thing that's for sure that is real. The past is just a memory and the future is mere speculation. Both are not real, and time is an illusion because it fails to express life realistically. Anything that doesn't last is not truly real. It might be real to our eyes now, but in regard to eternity, it is only an illusory stepping stone on top of another stepping stone. All that is eternal is real. When we realize the only real thing is now, we see how important it is to remain there.

God is the Great I Am. Think about that. His existence is being. He's not simply in the past, He's not simply in the future, He is. His presence is now, and He wants you to step into that now, to enjoy the now, to be enveloped in the now. He wants you to enjoy the taste of the water. He wants you to find peace in the gently flowing river. He wants you to be so captivated by the eyes that are staring at you that you feel every powerful emotion that arises from that interaction. He wants you in the now, to be present, to be aware and to be conscious of being. Not what was, not what could be in your future, but who you are today at the present moment, in the present moment. Fully focused, fully conscious.


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