Entry 43 - 44

Entry 43 - Lesson: False Self, New Self, Access to God 

The ego, also called the false self, is not really you. It's the external image that you uphold through any negative emotions that creates a distinction from you to others. So when you have bad emotions, when you feel negative, when you feel separate, that's not truly you, that's your ego that is trying hard to stay alive. It's the false self, the false you, the old you. It has its roots in the old creation, and it will die with the old creation. 

The real self, the new self, who you truly are ascends any negative mental blocking. You are beyond negative emotions. You are beyond negative thoughts. You are beyond all that which is from this earth. You are connected to God in a oneness that transcends this physical world.

Even though you may not feel the real you all the time, you truly are. It isn't something you can fully understand by thinking, you must experience it. God made it clear that He is in all. He didn't just say He's in believers, but all. There's no where He cannot be and there's no one who cannot have access to God right here, right now. The union and oneness you have with God is something you constantly have access to. 

You don't need to go to Larry to get to this oneness, or pastor Bob to get this oneness, you can go straight to God because God is not only outside of you, but also within you. For those who try to limit God and say He can't be in certain people is doing exactly that, limiting God. He stands outside of time, outside of man's boxes of limitation, outside of our wildest imagination. 

We can never fully conceive the vastness, the breadth, the depth of who God is and how He is over all, in all and through all. We may be able to scratch the surface, but that alone wouldn't even be close. So next time you feel far away from God, remember you really aren't, because there's no place God can't be because He is, therefore you are.

One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.
                                     -Ephesians 4:6
“Am I only a God nearby,” declares the Lord , “and not a God far away?  Who can hide in secret places so that I cannot see them?” declares the Lord . “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the Lord.
                                     -Jeremiah 23:23‭-‬24
God said to Moses, “ I Am who I Am . This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘ I Am has sent me to you.’ ”
                                     -Exodus 3:14 
Entry 44 - I Cannot Begin to Fathom

July 29th, 2019

I cannot begin to fathom how amazing God is. He is beyond my wildest dreams. He is beyond all the wonders of the world. He is beyond all good things combined. He is more vast than the stars, and yet as available to us as the air we breathe. He is infinite yet here with us in this very moment. 

His love for us is so intense that we cannot even being to even scratch the surface of its depths. How do you fully comprehend the Creator of an infinite, unending universe, who is everywhere and all places and in all places? 

How can you truly understand the one who knows all people and their deepest parts in every single place all at the same time? How is He available to 7.6 billion people, and yet He still cares about me? I cannot begin to fathom how amazing God truly is.



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