Entry #20 - Lesson on Perception

Our perception governs so much.

It governs how we see others.

How we judge others.

How we live.

What we see as important and unimportant.

How we treat others.

If we treated everybody in a way that shows they are important, as in they're made in the image of God, as in they are our brothers and sisters, how differently would they feel in our presence? How differently would we see them? It would be night and day if we all actually treated others like Jesus treated others.

When I witness judgmental people and this "us vs them" mentality, I don't see the likeness of Jesus, I see the likeness of Saul before he was Paul. Thinking they are wrong, he is right, and they deserve to die.

It's easy to hate, to misunderstand, to throw a stone, but in my opinion it's easier to love, to hear someone's story, to change your perception if you really want to. 

Anything learned can be unlearned and hate can be replaced with love, but you have to be willing to change.


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