Entry #25 - Lesson on Getting Deep

If you don't have deep relationships, deep moments, deep experiences, then I ask, are you even truly living? Or are you just passively going along with life? You don't have to settle for lukewarm or mundane. You can choose to fill your life with whatever you want to fill your life with, and you must realize no one else can make that decision for you, but you.

Your life is what you make it. You're in charge of who you surround yourself with, the memories you make, and who you become, so do yourself a favor and start focusing and putting your energy towards all that deepens and enhances your life and letting go of anything that is holding you back. When you start to do this, you might be surprised when you start attracting what's best for you and becoming the best version of yourself that God made you to be.

Choose to make the most out of your life starting today and maybe one day when you have gray hair, and you're knitting a sweater in a rocking chair or changing a tire on your old Ford, you'll look back at that moment you decided to do that and give yourself a little pat on the back and a hallelujah to God.


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