Entry #28 - Lesson on Being Busy

Look, sometimes you can't give your time to people the way you intended to. It doesn't mean it's because of something they did. It could simply mean sometimes you don't have the time. Hopefully the people in your life realize there are hard seasons for hanging out. 

There are times when I haven't spoken to the people I love for many months. It wasn't that we didn't love and care about each other, but rather because we both got super busy and naturally tried staying on top of what was in front of us. But then once things slowed down, then we naturally could make more time for those we love and care about.

So if someone is busy, don't take offense. If they don't talk for months, don't take offense. People expect a lot from people, especially extroverts, and realistically we cannot dish out all our time to everyone we meet perfectly.

Have mercy on others and have mercy on yourself. The people who don't forgive you for you trying your hardest to juggle work, school, family, education or whatever else you have on your plate, shouldn't be in your inner circle anyway. But for those who you haven't seen or talked to in a while, then you both pick up like nothing happened, those are the people you should keep very close to you. Those are forever friends, and the love they have for you exceeds disruptions in time.


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