Entry #26 - Lesson on Expectations

The truth is that family, friends and your significant other will eventually let you down. Sometimes painfully, other times in small matters, but nonetheless they'll let you down.

The key is not only realizing this, but releasing these people from expectations of perfection. Oftentimes, it's so easy to expect the best from people, but when they don't deliver every time based on those expectations we set, it's easy for us to feel disappointed. Accepting that people are human and will make mistakes gives us space to make mistakes and learn from them, rather than make mistakes and condemn ourselves day after day.

If we choose to only have expectations of perfection for God, we'll never be disappointed because God never fails. People fail, situations fail, leaders fail, countries fail, but God never fails. When we release people from our expectations of perfection, there's no way for us to be hurt or offended. It's only when we try to find what we can only get from God in other people that we begin to hurt.

You want to feel loved and have it never fail? Go to God. You want to feel unending joy and peace that surpasses all understanding? Go to God. You want to experience healing? Go to God. You might be thinking there are some things God can't give directly. Maybe you need a hug, or someone to just hold you like a baby and tell you everything's going to be alright. But when you go to God and you lay it all down at the feet of Jesus, I promise you God will place people in your life to comfort you the way you need to be comforted. He'll bring the best people with the best intentions to love you.

Though it may be harder to carve time away in prayer to God because maybe He's not here like Becky is in the flesh, nonetheless when you pray to Him, He will work so many wonders through your prayers and bring people in your life to meet your needs. If you go to God, I promise that you won't be disappointed.


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