
Showing posts from April, 2021

December 13th 2019

Everything is interconnected If you don't see it then you haven't explored enough A true explorers sign is one who sees the unity between all things And appreciates the connectedness shared between You can see within but not be overcome by any You can journey through but know that one tradition does not fully overtake you A pilgrim of pilgrims just travelling along Finding the gems to take while leaving the crumbs Your eyes see the world in a different light You appreciate that which by those who are closed off by spite You're humbled by the complexity this world has and recognize the Creator's hand in every nation and tongue You truly believe God does not show favoritism You can spot the truth in each nation and also the differences in each oblation You notice even the differences line up within each religion True Christianity is the worship and recognition of one God Just as it is in Islam, Sikhism, Sufism, Hinduism and so on The true branch recognizes the Brahman, th

Interpretations of Jesus’ words that just makes sense

“Repent for the kingdom of God has drawn near.” Repent of sin as in "Repent of your twisted idea of sin that you are separate from God and from others", not "Repent of your sin because you're evil and separated." The latter would imply separation is real (eternal) rather than temporary however if God is oneness, then separation cannot be real.   “I am the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through me.” The Pharisees and Sadducees believed they could still return to God and hate Jesus but Jesus was   aware of their hate and said this in response to the hate they had for Jesus. Jesus made it clear that through love and acceptance of your brother, you make the way back to God possible. Through hatred, you can’t expect to return back to God when you not only believe in your separation, but you hate that which you feel separate from (even though in our essence, we never left God because we are all one deep within).  Interestingly enough

See The Beauty My Friend

There is no one right way to grow. There are many paths for growth. See what is beautiful in every person’s path, and every religion, and in every belief system. Honor other people's  paths, even if they are different from yours.  Be inclusive and loving, and look beyond the form of people's  beliefs to the essence. There is no one right way; there’s only the way that is right for you.  There is something unique, perfect, and beautiful in every culture, and every system of belief. Look for what you have in common with others and accept and love those who are on different paths.


Expecting people to give as much as you constricts your energy. Give people love but don’t expect reciprocity with everyone you engage with or through that failed expectation, you will feel drained.

Did you know this about Judaism?

  The Jews do not believe the Devil exists. They never believed that the Devil fell from heaven, nor that he was or is in opposition to God because to them. Jews have literally no concept of an eternal hell. It was never a doctrine. It came about hundreds of years later from within Christianity after it was already an established religion.   The predominant belief in Christianity about salvation wasn’t   good works save (Arminianism) or God chooses some and damns others (Calvinism which came thousands of years later) but it was actually Apokatastasis (God will save all mankind) and shares the closest similarities with Judaism’s view of salvation out of all three potentialities. 

Arguments Against Transgenderism

As a transgender person myself, I’ve come across some Christians who use arguments against transgenderism but then fail to see that their arguments can be used against themselves.   It’s often hard for someone to relate to another experience when they create an illusive border against their changes and someone else’s changes, and I’m here to hopefully help people recognize that our physical bodily changes are just as valid as theirs, and just like they shouldn’t be judged or condemned to hell for changing their body, we shouldn’t be either.   Oftentimes, people do not personally dig into what is happening with transitioning and so they reach conclusions that are not supported by science and are often confusing because their arguments also apply to themselves. For example, you may hear someone argue “Transgender is a sin” and if you ask why, they reveal they have an issue with you changing your body to conform with your gender identity. Now I have a question: Where does it say in the Bi


Try to tell me otherwise: A majority of Christian, protestant denominations are fear-based denominations. Any denomination that believes God will send people to hell for eternity for finite mistakes, for not thinking or repeating a special prayer to get access to the heavenly gates is 100% a fear-based religion. Try to show me how that isn’t sourced in fear. 

I Am an Autodidact Polymath

I’m what they might consider an autodidact polymath which essentially means I like learning for the sake of learning any and all things that I currently do not know about. I am a seeker of knowledge, wisdom, understanding. I search far and wide in a multiplicitous of fields to understand different components that eventually help me make sense more of one whole area.  I take time out of my day to study simply because I love to learn. I don’t need a degree in all these areas to have a passion to learn about them. I love studying different philosophies, mathematics, astronomy, classical physics, quantum physics, religion, literature, history (even though it’s incredibly bias) and more.  I noticed doing this helps me to have a bigger picture mentality when looking at single subjects because through my findings, everything is interrelated in some way, so they are all important.  For example, if you understand that the Bible is not merely seen by it’s followers as a sacred text dropped down

Jesus Always Taught True Oneness (We Are All One)

Some Christians don’t believe in free will others do. Believing is tied to some future choice but even the future is now. The only true reality we have is right now. Any idea projected in the future is an illusion because again all we truly have is now. To believe that you must believe in something linearly in the future from now or from the past and that your salvation is dependent on a belief is to believe that linear time is eternal and that would mean duality is eternal and we’re all screwed. That would mean satan was always satan and the battle will never end because it never began because it always was.   Belief is tied up in an idea. Ideas come and go. They have a beginning and an end, just like your body has a beginning and an end. To believe that an idea about something can save you, such as who is God who isn’t, is to identify not only your life with an idea that is temporary and doesn’t truly exist, but to tie your eternal existence with a temporal idea that will cease to ex


Stories such as Christianity will soon pass away. What really is of importance is the quest of finding out who you truly are beyond this body and every other limitation you temporarily believed in.   Through experiencing life and ourselves, we realize. Being is the doorway to knowing and both are beyond any passed down story. They are our essence.


A Christian interpretation of denying yourself wouldn’t make sense if you become someone you’re not.   True denial is denying that which you are not, and accepting that which you truly are.  

Signs Meant to Scare not Repair

Whenever I see those signs outside of restaurants and other food eateries where its like “Beware this place has chemicals known to cause cancer” I think of absolutely how stupid it sounds. That’s like the equivalent of someone going bungee jumping and someone saying “Beware, you can die from doing this.” Well no shit, you can die from this and anything else. With life, there is always risk. There is never not risk, and to assume there isn’t at sometime is to assume the position of ignorance is in my opinion, choosing stupidity.   Driving in your car could kill you, walking on the street could kill you, meeting someone new could kill you. We are constantly surrounded by risk. Realistically there is never a moment when the potentiality of death is not there. Why would you be afraid of the inevitable? If it happens okay you’re dead. What are you going to do about it? If you’re alive, cool you’re still here. Are you going to focus on the one million different ways you can die or actually f

Relationships and Boundaries

Everything is interconnected in someway. What you let into your field will slowly become a part of your own energetic field. If you don’t want certain things to become a part of you, you must set boundaries and be stern with them.  People who want will try to take if you do not set these boundaries and as an empath, you will absorb their energy and become like them unless you create boundaries. I feel like this has saved me from so much unnecessary pain and yes, people might be upset that you aren’t giving them what they want, but what is best for you is best for both of you.   Sometimes a boundary can be around how much time is spent on someone, or even the actual relationship itself. Do you see them how they see you? If not, what boundaries do you need to put down? How would you like that to change?  

Oh to Laugh at Death

When you can laugh at death knowing it’s not the end but only the beginning of a new and exciting adventure, what do you fear? The ego needs to wrap your fears in death because that is what it is most afraid of going through because it knows when you die, it ceases to exist and you continue onwards. If you’re not afraid that food can potentially kill you, what does it cling to in order to guarantee your commitment to its survival for a little while longer? If you’re not afraid of heights what does it cling to in order to feel alive? If you’re not afraid of hell then what story does it cling to so that it can label you and itself as righteous and others as unrighteous if oneness has overwritten the ego’s hierarchy of separation and damnation?   The ego death while you’re alive doesn’t mean it just ceases to exist, it means you’re now the rightful master of your entire earthen vessel rather than a servant of a close minded, short sighted mechanical, survival process that saw the light an

Intelligence is Linked to Open-Mindedness

People who behave in ways that seem ‘less intelligent’ aren’t because they necessarily are less intelligent. It’s more that they have an amazing brain with the capacity to expand their intelligence, but they choose to act from a place of ignorance, or close-mindedness, which limits their capacity to create more neural networks to act or think in ways that are considered ‘more intelligent.’ In the age of information at our fingertips, ignorance is a choice.


  You don’t experience the world outwardly. The world is experienced within you.


Do you realize Jesus never denied he was God nor did he ever deny that you were God. He actually pointed to scriptures that referred to us as gods. I wonder why...?


People who are truly at risk for side effects are those who believe they are at risk. If you know you’re the creator of your own reality, risks are like thoughts. They can come and go into our mind but because we’re in control and we choose our reality constantly we can choose to dismiss them or accept them. At the end of the day, it’s always our choice.  


C onfusion is apt to happen to those who race to irrational and false conclusions based on faulty assumptions.

So many systems are bent towards dualism

It can be frustrating because the way our school and education is set up is not for you to learn how to think for yourself, but to regurgitate the information they want you to believe. You’re taught the most powerful forms of intelligence is memorization rather than conceptualization and abstraction. They would rather have you explain what they want you to explain rather than you come up with your own ideas of what happened. For example, in our history classes, we would be graded on regurgitating the events and what dates and times they happened and would get marked down if we said them not how they were said to us.   Or for example, we were taught how to do algebra but now how to apply it in school. Yes in college but that is many years later and requires you to pay for that. Similar with religion. You are considered a good steward and follower of Christ for regurgitating out-dated and old beliefs that are sourced in concepts that make literally no sense according to mathematics and p

The Idea You Need This Is Bogus

 " You need longer hair to have a closer connection to God" - bogus "You need our tarot readings to give you direction." - bogus "You need our crystals to raise your frequencies." - bogus "You need to accept the belief system that bad aliens are trying to control you." - bogus   Why would I need something when I am Everything. What I mean by this is by being one with The All, the Creator, Source whatever you want to call it, you, by very nature of inheritance, you therefore inherit all by simply being, or existing.   Everything is a reflection of something that is already within you. There’s nothing you don’t have because you are one with The One who has all because The One Is All and you are part of that All. Where does one stop and the other begin? You tell me.  Where does hot water stop and cold water start? We create these divisions to experience ourselves in exciting new ways. To be absolute and experience oneness with no illusions is an exc


If people want to focus more on beliefs than knowing then that’s totally fine. It’s an experience we all will experience thousands of times over. But there will be a day that you eventually hit where stories no longer entice you as they once did and all beliefs you once identified with at a soul level, will lose power over you.  


If I had a belief it would be the belief in infinite possibilities, but that’s a fact proven by quantum physics so there’s no need to believe in something I already know.  

Congrats He Can Read Another Language...

Just because someone knows how to read the original language the bible was written in doesn’t mean anything more than he knows how to read the original language lol… If you’re impressed with the way he interprets it then that’s another thing. You enjoy how he interprets a story. You enjoy the way he creates meaning out of a story and that to you is important. To me it's not shocking to me that someone knows how to read words. Congrats lmao.  

Follow Your Heart

At the end of the day, your beliefs create stories about life but they aren’t Life itself. It’s like the layer of fudge above the white fluff of the cake. It’s the the fudge (story) not the actual fluff (Life). It might seem like it at times because they are very close together, but no matter how hard the fudge (matter) tries, it will never be the exact same consistency, elements, properties to make it part of the actual fluff (Life Force/Energy). Through these stories, you create tales of demons of devils, of good and bad, of objects and ideas that trigger you into panic and anxiety episodes, and other beliefs that cause you to act heroically and positively for your community. You battle the bad and you team up with the good and you feel really good about yourself. Through these stories, you create more stories embedded one within another similar to how a spider weaves a web.  The more stories that are told, the stronger the web you’ve created, and the harder to free oneself from the


  If our idea of God limits God, then it is not true.

Beliefs vs Knowing

I see beliefs like I see pennies. Not much value and not necessary to identify with because they don’t hold a lot about you.  I see knowing God/knowing oneself as priceless. Truly surpassing any potential value system that we could obtain to because it is absolute Truth or knowing.  


I feel like 50% of our problems would be solved if men became women and when we became men so that they would understand but their sexes are both important another 50% of her problems will be solved if people didn’t raise babies and harmful or scary environments that were not conducive for the child.

Excited for Hormone Replacement Theory

Of the most exciting things that I’m looking forward to for being trans is have you seen trans people??? It’s like they don’t age! I’m so excited to look like I never age!

What if we were all Trans?

Do you know how cool and balanced of a society we would have if we experienced two puberties and two genders in one lifetime? A society where men knew what it was like to be a women and women knew what it was like to be a man.  Like the sympathy would increases millions of times more, people would feel more balanced, and their wouldn’t be this separation between the two. I feel blessed to be a trans man because it feels like I get to live two lives in one run. 

What do you think happens after death?

I don’t want to limit what could happen after death so I’ll simply tell you what makes the most sense according to quantum physics and honoring the limitlessness of energy as we know it.  Energy loves to experience itself. First of all, quanta is the smallest unit of energy that we can currently perceive. We are made of quanta which are energy particles which are eternal. They cannot be created or destroyed but they can be transferred.   When you eat a chicken you are absorbing the chicken’s quanta particles and making it a part of you. When you breathe in the air, you are absorbing the quanta in the air. When you eat broccoli, you are absorbing the quanta in that broccoli. Some might say the broccoli becomes a part of you, and if you say that you also have to recognize that you become a part of the broccoli. There is a perfect symbiosis on both ends. There are no corners cut or imbalances. Energy is transferred and both parties benefit, whether one and/or the other are aware of it. So

Tired of "Karens" Disrespecting Western Doctors

People be like “oh I don’t trust western medicine or doctors” Okay Karen well then go have your baby in the woods. Use your herbs to give yourself insulin.  Ask your friends to go ahead and give you that surgery. The privilege I can’t.   Ok Karen how about you have your baby in your backyard and if things start going wrong just eat your herbs. How about you just stick to trying to diagnose yourself on webmd or through your multi level marketing nutrition supplement business you run on the side.


If you’re offended or triggered by someone it shows where you need to be healed.

tv and movies

I have nothing against tv or movies. In fact I look forward to the day in which I can be in many.  However when instead of you living, it lives for you, then it becomes a barrier to your growth. Other people are living and you aren’t. You’re watching more than you’re experiencing and you’re in a time loop of hours and days and months spent watching passively instead of participating actively. Anything can be of benefit, but also anything can easily turn into a crutch for coping and escaping the real world. 


  If anyone hasn’t told you yet today: You look amazing, you’re doing amazing, I love you and I accept you.  

The Truly Good News: We are more than our bodies

THIS IS GOLD!!!! The only thing you lose by not believing in the doctrine that Jesus needed to die for your sins is separation. If you didn’t believe in it then there wouldn’t be an us vs them a saved vs unsaved saint vs sinner. I was reading a haiku poem by Jane Roberts and then it hit me!! Our bodies don’t truly exist so why would Jesus sacrifice his body which doesn’t truly exist for sin which doesn’t truly exist!??

Friendships: Sometimes You Have To Let Go

It may seem sad because a lot of times people can’t be what I want them to be to me, and I can’t be what they want me to be to them. Maybe they have expectations of me giving to them constantly but I cannot give and receive so little back and have such imbalance in my relationships. I strive for harmony and a balance between taking and receiving and that type of friendship does not afford the balance I look for.  Maybe they are completely oblivious to that, but I am everything in a friend and more. Or maybe I can’t be what they need. They would like someone to talk to, to confide in, to be there for them, but again I can’t be what they need because I already have too much on my plate and vice versa. Trust the universe and let it take you on the path that is most beneficial for you and those around you. You realistically cannot be everything to everyone in this one body, so don’t feel bad for that. The universe will bring them someone else to fulfill the role they are looking to be fulf

Stages of Widening One’s Perspective

Trusting one's religion or set of beliefs and distrusting all other religions and the world. Exploring different branches within the religion and different beliefs but still distrusting other religions and the world. Exploring other religions and their belief systems and making connections between their old religion and the new ones they are exploring. Realizing there is a deeper commonality between all religions and starting to trust the world more. Hopping from belief system to belief system, going from identifying with beliefs to not identifying with beliefs. Seeing each and all more as one. Realizing that beliefs and religion are temporary but our oneness with all is eternal. Starts trusting oneself and one's own instincts. Goes within and explored the depths of one's being. No longer believes that limiting doctrine: "You can’t trust yourself." Also starts to trust others from all over and the world as you now realize you and everyone else are the creators of

Religion will Evolve or Die Out

Religion is a reflection of the current humanities mindset. If religions do not evolve, then they will become part of the past. They will either evolve or they will die. Religion is unnecessary if it is blocking you from being who you are, but if that’s what you want to experience then you totally can. Your guilt and shame from religion are unnecessary blockages that cause more harm than help but if you wish to cling to them, then so be it.

You're the Compass and the Map

I was considering my experience where I would quite literally not believe something, believe something and then not believe something such as pilgrimaging from Christian denomination to Christian denomination, the orthodox christians, the Catholics, other religions and so forth and I realized the nature of beliefs is temporary and therefore do not hold much value. What holds more value is to know.   So how does one go from faith to knowing? I would say the answer lies within rather than without. We’ve been taught by so many religions to not trust ourselves but rather to trust that religion and their interpretations. However, if we are all one with God, then the true direct link to knowing is by going within. That would mean every creation from man outside of us, such as religion, is temporary because it didn’t exist, exists, and then doesn’t exist. So us believing in temporary things to explain eternal reality doesn’t make much sense, but using our own self as a compass and a map becau

Probably One of the Most Important Things on Beliefs I Could Share

To not believe, believe, then once again not believe would mean belief is not real and does not truly exist because it follows the path of linear time which also does not truly exist.  The nature of beliefs is temporal and therefore does not exist. When you identify with something that doesn’t truly exist, you see the world through a temporal and limited scope. When you cease identification with one belief over another, you release yourself from all temporal and limited viewpoints. When you see things as they really are, you don’t need to believe in them, because you already see them. Faith is believing in things that are unseen, knowing is seeing all as it truly is.   Beliefs are layers of interpretations on top of reality. To know is the reality without interpretations.


Authenticity is the road to salvation. Conformity to that which isn’t you is the road to dis-integration and masking.


Fear is an illusion that requires your delusion  

Relationship With God is...

My relationship with everyone is my relationship with God because everyone is a part of God and God is a part of everyone. There’s no aspect,   no part of life that is not a part of my relationship with God because I don’t limit God to a separate image, a separate idea, a separate conscious. I allow God to expand as far and wide, deep or long and as free as God is by accepting that All That Is, is God as all that is.

The Gaze of God

As I look up at the night sky And see each light twinkling brightly and passionately I’m reminded of my own bodily existence   The temporary meets the temporary   Then as I look deeper with my presence focused more in the present moment   I realize energy like a silver cord connects all with all with unending accuracy for eternity As I stare at the form I realize my own formless I remember the tiny earth encapsulated by this sheet of black and speckled lights is but one of infinite myriads reflecting my multidimensional self right back to me The oneness and the one The left and the right The up and the down The light and the dark All and in all as all That is All And then as I stare at the universe; as the universe, I stare back at myself.

Choose to Co-create with God

There are a lot of different doctrines within Christianity to choose from, pretty much tens of thousands.... But regardless of which doctrines you choose to accept as your reality, taking responsibility as much as you can gives you back your power and encourages you to co-create with God rather than feeling like a victim to outside forces.

Most Important Thing I've Ever Remembered

I am not inside nor outside of Christianity I am one with all. I am not inside nor outside of Hinduism, I am one with all. I am not inside nor outside of any religion, I am one with all. The only barriers between me and anything else are the self-imposed illusive boundaries I’ve created. The only belief in separation is the one I believe into. The only division there is, is the one I create. All is one. One is all. All That Is, is all we Are.  

Activating & Deactivating DNA

We have access to not only our DNA, but our DNA rests on our ancestors DNA and therefore continues onward with a vast store of knowledge. Not only that, but as our DNA can go back to those strands of DNA, we are in a process of removing membranes and allowing the re-activation of extra DNA strands that allow us more access to all of us existing simultaneously in this present moment. So past incarnations, future incarnations are all happening now, and the more we re-integrate, re-balance, re-harmonize our energy centers, we will be able to enter and receive the benefits from these other incarnations. You have the ability to activate or de-activate certain DNA encodings from your ancestors lineage AS WELL AS from your own vibrant and unique DNA that encompasses and embodies your wholeness in the present moment. In order to be able to access any part of your self that is existing, whether that is baby you, future you, past incarnation you, future incarnation you, you must have that encodi

What if...?

What if the patterns of the universe are universally patterned in complete harmony awaiting our decoding? Then through science we can acknowledge the depth of these patterns through exact scientific principles. So it's not a matter of conjecture, but rather the more we learn, the more we exact the process of life.