Entry 93 - Hatred Hurts
There are many who hide behind religion as an excuse to keep on hating a group of people or an individual. They see religion as a perfect excuse for them because then they blame it on God and say "I'm just following God" when in reality, they are following their own desire to have a reason to continue to hate on that person, while hiding behind anything but themselves to protect themselves.
If you really "followed God" you would look past who they are, and simply love them. Granted yes, some people might not think exactly as you think, or be in your same religion as you are, or wear the same things you wear, but judging others off of the standard you create for yourself flips the switch and makes you an open target for others to judge you.
Jesus said, "Do not judge, or you too will be judged." This famous saying is attributed in most religions as "What you put out into the universe will return back to you." So that hate you are throwing at John for whatever reason you created in your head, will return unto you in the same measure. So why hurt yourself by hating when you can help heal others and yourself by loving?
The answer has always been love. Even if you can't seem to find it within yourself to understand why someone does what they do, thinks the way they think, or acts the way they act, none of that should stop you from exercising that good intention to love them. If you have to have a reason to love someone, then again, you're setting yourself up for instances where people will have to have a reason to love you. What you put out into the universe will return to you, so be conscious of that and choose how you wish to either benefit those in this world or tear them down.
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