Entry 81 - Climax of our Existence


We all have examples of people of who we want to be like and who we don't want to be like. Of the manifested and the unmanifested. Of the false self and of the new self. Of the old creation and of the new creation. Of the created and of the uncreated. Of the temporary and of the eternal.

When you're aware that you share this with all beings, you're aware that we're all struggling to reach the climax of our existence: to be identified with that which is beyond form, beyond attachments, beyond all physical and beyond all, to be perfect even as our heavenly Father is perfect. And if we strive forward, watchful, attentive, striving to do good works and refuse evil, we will reach that perfect state.

"Therefore, be perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect."
            - Matthew 5:48


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