Entry 78 - Everyone is Beautiful
We need to stop making it a norm to group people as pretty or not pretty or handsome or ugly. What we put out into the world will always come back to hit us the same way we hit others with our words, regardless if it was done to their face or behind their backs. The measure you judge others with will be the measure you are judged. It is a firm principle in the universe. Just like the law of gravity is firm and does not fail to be gravity, what you put out in the world will certainly return in whatever way you chose to put out to the world.
So why waste your words and actions by doing things that reap the same reactions in your own life? Why not look out for your future self and do good into others with your words and actions? But if you can, why not go even further and not only do good for your own well-being, but to bring glory to God and to honor the Source of your goodness? Don't stop at simply doing it for you, but by going one step further and acknowledging the Creator and Author of all good works and return the glory back to Him. Imagine just how happy and proud you would make Him if you recognized the true Source of all good things.
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