Entry 95 - It Doesn’t Hurt You to Try to Protect the Earth


For Christians who argue against taking care of the earth, I have a question for you. When God creates a new Heaven and a new Earth, are you not going to take care of that either because your excuse is He can just create a new Heaven a new Earth?  Why are you refusing to take responsibility for how you can contribute and help the Earth in the name of economic benefits?

Whether you believe humans contributed to global warming or it has nothing to do with us, that shouldn't stop you from being a decent human being and taking responsibility for how you can keep this earth clean and healthy and support those who are also trying to do that on a larger scale.

The quality and health of our planet has everything to do with you and your kids, and your kids, kids. You have a choice every day to help protect the Earth or to contribute to its destruction, so I encourage you to contribute positively to this Earth in whatever way you can rather than aid in its destruction.

No forest = no food = broken ecosystems = extinct animals = bad air = lower quality of life = death

"Whoever is righteous has regard for the life of his beast, but the mercy of the wicked is cruel."
                        - Proverbs 12:10


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