Entry 178 - Lesson on Signposts
People are addicted to thinking about the signpost rather than focusing on where it points.
The word God is a signpost to the reality. It isn't God Himself. So when someone says they're thinking of God, they're pointing their minds to God, but they're still not there. True time with God is being in His presence, not simply thinking about His presence.
The mind cannot fully fathom God. The mind is limited by thinking, but when we enter into being, we tap into His divine presence with no restrictions. We fully enter into the now, the I Am, the flow of life and we experience God first hand. We are not simply thinking about the future, but instead we are fully present with Him right now.
The flow is never not here, we either just consciously tap into it or get distracted by things that keep our mind focused on other elements of life that don't matter as much.
Is someone wrong if they prefer to say God and not Holy Trinity every time they reference their Maker? Or they prefer to say the Great I Am instead of Jesus? Or when they pray, they say Father instead of Jesus? If you call God another name you're not familiar with, does your particular signpost towards the reality threaten someone else's because they aren't familiar or don't prefer your chosen signpost?
Does the way you think about God disqualify you from experiencing His riches? Is it possible to be cut off from God because of religion, or is He truly available to all? People unconsciously created conditions and barriers that try to stop people from experiencing the true presence of God, but the truth is, everyone has access to the Reality of God, the key is our awareness and consciously entering into His presence.
It requires us to go beyond our thinking, beyond our thoughts about the signpost, and fully enter into the reality that signpost is trying to point to.
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