Entry 186 - A Dream of Dreams


When I look at nature, I see a relationship beyond words, a relationship shared between us beyond form. A union that cannot be described, only felt. It's the similar feeling when you focus less on trying to label something, and you simply observe it without thought. You embark in a beautiful mystery of the mysterious. I realize at that moment we are both energy vibrating at a very low density, existing in this dream world of illusion. Here we are plopped on this finite sphere called Earth, in a finite body, going around like everything is normal when in actuality it's beyond normal, it's beyond words. The connection between the unmanifested and the manifested, between humans and humans, humans and nature. It feels so strongly like a game, like a playground of some sort. 

After being born, we had our respective parents tell us what they think the story of life is, but don't know for sure. They rely on the stories of their family members before to pass one down. We have all these different cultures, traditions, religions, creations and the more I muse on life the more I realize how much everything around me is equivalent to a dream world. Just as one minute we are sleeping and dreaming about life, just the next we're awake, and those dreams are gone. That is the same feeling I get when I am awake looking around at the things in this world. A dream of dreams, perfectly fitting the type of life we consciously or unconsciously choose.


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