Entry 202 - I Fully Accept All of Me


For the longest time, I was not okay with who I am. I fought myself, I resisted myself, I hated myself and because of that I suffered tremendously. Little did I know, the way for me to end my suffering was to accept myself fully for who I am. To be okay with the knowable and unknowable parts of who I am.

To be mystified by my existence and awed by others. To see myself in them and them in me. To let down all barriers, all judgments, all opinions, all projections, every thought that creates distance and separation from all, and to fully embrace this oneness by being accepting of all that I am in my entirety. Being at peace to welcome this wholeness and love of myself was the catalyst to love and embrace all of creation.

I'm not talking about loving and accepting the right and wrong in my life, but a dimension beyond duality. I'm talking about going one step further into the now, to the very nature of who I am, my existence. Loving the person that God loves dearly. Matching my love for myself with God's eternal love for me.


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