Entry 195 - Poem About Love


Time will tell
And what's meant to be will be
And what isn't will diverge
I just keep moving forward
I don't stop
I can't stop
I won't stop
It's too late to turn back
I'm already being real with who I am
It's only forward from here
Still trying to understand love
Still trying to figure out who deserves it all
Still trying to understand why I can't force myself to love one and not the other
It's almost like we get the cards
But love is the dealer
We work with what we've been given
But love chooses who wins
So really our love is beyond our choice
Just like luck is beyond our skill
Maybe that's the one benefit of time
It helps us release the one that love chooses
And when we move on from past lovers
We move to the next game of cards
New cards same dealer
Love will deal
And we will play
The secret is love knows the cards it gives
We're only aware of the cards dealt to our hand
But in the end love wins
Love always wins
Because love already chose for us
Whether we accept it or not
What's done is done
So when love moves
And we accept it
All chips fall into our hands
Because the dealer was our lover this whole time


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