Entry 180 - The Journey from Chasing Emotion to Resting in Stillness


Growing up in my huge megachurch, so many of us chased good feelings during worship. People would be crying, on the floor shaking with the "Holy Spirit" and then there would be me... I felt like something was wrong with me because I wasn't being moved the same way as them emotionally, and because I wasn't having the same experiences that they were having. I felt left out. I felt confused.

Then years later I find other teachers who focus on the stillness, the present moment, the now, and I realize there is something even deeper. It's entering into being. A state that is always and already. Aligned and blissful and a connection with the eternal. It goes beyond longing, yearning. The state of being is the Reality of all. It's the moment of moments. It's where the Divine touches the mortal. The inward universe touches the outer universe. Where all is united as one. Once one enters into the state of being, no experience could ever compare. 


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