Entry 189 - Cons of Going Viral


When it hits, and you pop off, you have to have enough self-respect for yourself to turn away fake friends from entering your inner circle because if you don't, they will hurt you. If your "close friend" drops out of your life and magically reappears when you pop off without ever reaching out to you before that, that's an easy sign that they don't actually care about you, they just care about your status.

This in my opinion is one of the worst cons of clout, or whatever you want to call it. I don't care about the people who I'm not very close to, I'm talking about the people you let into your inner circle and trusted them to be there for you, and then they leave you cold turkey, don't ask how you're doing, ghost watch your stories from a distance, then they try to come back as if they never left you on read.

Before when I was younger and the vine thing popped off I was completely oblivious that so many people I mistakenly let into my inner circle really just cared about what I did, not actually about me, and it messed with me and made me have some trust issues. But years later, I'm aware of it, I'm always ready for it, and I'm not going to make that same mistake twice.


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