Entry 208 - Undoing Fear


Fear. The infamous creator of all things to do with pain, turmoil, torment and more. The emotion that elicits reactions we wish not to have. The criminal behind the evil and the one, if we let loose, will wreak havoc in parts of our lives that we try so desperately to protect. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not welcome fear.

I would like to put together a little blueprint of how over the years, I've been able to move past fear and hopefully this will inspire many that they do not have to live with fear as their constant companion. The type of fear I'm going to address is the fear no one needs in their life. Where it has no evolutionary benefit, no added help to our lives and is sourced in irrationality and clings to past pain in order to stay alive and control the victim. This fear is the nasty fear. The one no sane person wants, yet it still decides to linger, almost like a spider on a wall that doesn't pay rent. I'm going to show you this fear, and you will move through it and let it go.

I'd like to start out with an example of an irrational fear. Let's say you have a fear that any spider is going to one day turn into a fake human and cut you open, people would say "Oh honey that's all in your mind. You don't have to actually worry about that." Then they might even go one step further and explain to you how it's scientifically impossible for spiders to transmute into human beings.

However, if someone had a fear that a spider was going to crawl on them in the middle of the night and suck their blood, that is a legitimate fear and there are circumstances that warrant the possibility of it happening. Such as if a window is open, you live in Australia and so on, but how far you take that fear is how far you let it control you.

So let's apply this principle with people and their beliefs and interpretations. There are people in the first group who take a subject such as either a spider or interpretations within their selected religion, and they apply their fears based on a spectrum defined by their own minds.

Some people surround themselves and others in more fear and others surround themselves in less fear. Not all fear is the same. Some is necessary but a lot of it is completely irrational and created in our mind stimulated by our own trauma and projections.

For example, having a fear of falling to your death is legitimate if you are in a place where that could happen. You definitely want to make sure you are aware and alert at that place so that it doesn't happen and adrenaline is a key component to keep you ready and alert. However, having a fear that every Romanian is going to try to hurt you because one Romanian man hit you in the past is an example of fear induced by past trauma.

So the wisdom to life is being aware of the unnecessary illegitimate, irrational fears that are holding us back, hurting us, and are not needed in any way, shape or form. Then we must be brave enough to face our fear directly and move through each fear. By moving through them, we are able to let them go. By letting go, we are freeing the grip fear has over our lives. Many times, the way we undo these irrational fears is by watching the irrationality undo itself.

A long time ago, I had an irrational fear regarding upside down rollercoasters that kept me from enjoying many rides when I was younger. I was under the thought that there could be a possibility that I could fall out as we were going upside down and that would be the end of me. However, once I took physics and realized that it was literally impossible to do with the amount of torque and velocity of a rollercoaster, that knowledge undid the irrationality of that fear I once attached to roller coasters.

It's not to say every rollercoaster is 100% safe, or every plane flight is 100% safe, or even every car ride is 100% safe, but in life nothing is guaranteed to be 100% safe. That's the nature of the life, the way things are. There will always be a level of risk in our lives because death continually surrounds life, just as silence surrounds noise. That's why it's practical to be knowledgeable about how to choose the safest option for our own wellbeing, and not just listen to what Aunt Patty said or what bias new outlet tells you to do. But if you let fear latch onto the idea that nothing is 100% safe, then would you even leave your house? That fear would paralyze you from living, and that's what we're trying to expose, move through, undo and let go of; to truly be free from that unnecessary constriction.

So if we face the fear and all its irrationality and confusion and assumptions that take advantage of our insecurities and prey on our weaknesses, then we will be able to move through them and then let go of them.

Now I want you to consider a big irrational fear you have. Ask yourself why you might have that fear. Really inquire why and when you ask that question and answer it, ask why to that answer you just gave until you eventually get to the source of what the fear latched onto in order to control you, hurt you, and take away your peace.

Don't believe anyone that says tackling fear is going to be a long, hard process. This is your fear, and up to you, it could take three minutes, or it could take you four weeks, it really just depends on how willing you are to let go of it.

The "face your fear" is the most common way to move through it because it's not just a concept, it's right in front of you. Maybe you are afraid of bungee jumping. You can think about bungee jumping and say you're over it, but if you're really over it, you're going to bungee jump. If you're afraid of worms, you can think in your head you're okay with worms, but it's not until you are face to face with a squiggly little worm, and you are no longer freaking out by it that you have really moved past your fear.

When you are face to face with your fear, your reaction is your biggest giveaway if it still has control over you or if you let go of that fear, and it is powerless over your life. So remember, when you are ready to face your fears and free yourself from that pain, fully consider that fear. Inquire as to why you are afraid, then once you answer. Ask yourself "why" to that answer and keep doing that until you can't do it anymore and get to the source of that fear and what insecurity, weakness, or past trauma it has clung to. Then allow that fear to undo itself. Recognize that the past is exactly that, the past. It has no more power over you right at this moment as does the star in another galaxy does.

The past is nothing more than a memory in your head, maybe shared with some other people, or maybe only shared with yourself, but nonetheless a fleeting memory that sometimes pops into your conscious and other times is laying dormant and out of sight stored in a little clump of neurons. When you find the memory that the fear has latched onto, do not tell any story about that memory. You can see the memory, but let go of any reaction, any response, any opinion about it, just let it be. Then, when you let go of those negative reactions the fear that held onto that reaction to live, will naturally let go by default because without it, there's nothing else it can latch onto. Just as if you were to cut off a beehive (negative reactions) and the bees (fears) inside have no option but to fall with it.

Then as you do this, as you quite literally move through your fear, undo your fear, and let it drop, you will find it powerless and gone from your life. Congrats because when fear once controlled you, now you have regained that control over your own life. You should be very proud of yourself. That took courage, dedication, and a willingness to not let things stay the same. Hopefully this helps some of you because this has definitely helped me move past a lot of irrational fears I held onto. My last note is this, remember, at the end of the day, you are capable of marvelous things.


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