Entry 183 - This Thought Crosses My Mind Sometimes


Sometimes I worry that one of my close friends will be threatened by my openness and authenticity.
That what I say might destroy the fence they put around their beliefs
And it would be easier to let go of our friendship then to grow in our friendship
I'm afraid that my curiosity will be taken with hostility instead for opportunity to grow 
Then instead of talking it through with you
They talk about you
Instead of listening to you
They try hard to forget about you
Because silence is more comfortable than having their beliefs challenged
Not because of you, but because of what you stand for
But then I realize I can't help if someone can't handle new outlooks and perspectives
I can't help if someone puts their identity in their beliefs
I can't help if people are threatened because it doesn't fit the narrative they grew up hearing
But if two paths were meant to diverge, then all I can say is good luck and God bless
I guess I shouldn't worry
Because maybe their purpose in your life was a lesson
And then you can really appreciate them as you both let go 
Then when you look back you have no regrets
Because you chose to be authentic with who you are and not hide behind a mask to please them
And because of that, you gave them the choice to take it or leave it
And if they decided to leave, then you're grateful 
Because you'd rather have someone leave then pretend to want to stay
So you gently close the door behind them and go forward on your journey right where you left off


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