Entry 181 - People Exclamations on the Bible


Yes, I believe much wisdom can come from the Bible, but I also believe it can be one of the most dangerous books on earth if one is not careful. You can read a verse encouraging someone to love your neighbor and in the same book you can find a verse to justify your nation murdering and annihilating a group of people who are different from your nation. That same book you use to encourage your brethren is used by others to deny women's rights. That same book you use to praise God is the same book that was used to justify enslaving millions of African American slaves. Is that not dangerous?

I've finally freed myself from the impending guilt and shame that seemed to be wrapped within many doctrines of denominations, taken from the Bible. I'm not saying it's the Bible's fault in attaching guilt to humanity, but rather those in religion who need to stir fear in the hearts of their followers or else they won't come back, and if they don't come back, who will pay the tithes? Would it not make sense to create a system where you must come through the priest to have your sins forgiven? You must come through the priest to pay your indulgences to get out of purgatory? You must believe our narrative or else to hell you go? Is fear not used to control people? To keep them from leaving the deep grips of that religion?


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