Entry 176 - Thoughts Regarding Labels Continued


I have a Love/Hate relationship with labels because:

Helpful for finding an audience who appreciates what you appreciate. 

People use labels as a reason to judge if it goes against their labels, threatens who they are or threatens their values.

Beyond Labels:
We are all one.

I call myself an actor, but I'd rather just say I do acting. I call myself a software engineer, but I'd rather just say I engineer software. The reason behind that is if you strip all the labels that I or you stick onto me, you'll see at my core I am just like you, a living, breathing soul. 

And if you realize this, you've hit a dangerous level of freedom because the world doesn't scare you anymore, people don't scare you anymore, nothing scares you because your world without is in complete harmony with your world within. You attract positive circumstances into your life. You deflect anything that does not match your authenticity. You create a lifestyle that honors who you are and all that you love, and people can see the difference. They notice you aren't afraid. They notice you don't care, and they wonder what happened.

What happened is you fully accepted yourself for who you are, and you no longer allowed anyone to take that away from you because you became rooted and grounded in reality. It's a state beyond labels, beyond opinions, beyond division. It's a state of being where all masks fall, all illusions fade, all false identities die away and now what's left is you expressing your most authentic self. 

The truth is, you don't owe anyone an explanation as to who you are by having to label yourself. Your existence is more than enough to show your reality. If people want to label you, then you don't mind because you know it doesn't fully capture who you are but shows where that person who is labeling you is at in their journey. 

They are in a different state than you, and that's okay. Once you are in the state of being, people can call you whatever they want and nothing affects you because you are not operating from a place of labels, you are operating from a place of being.

You are a radiant beacon of light on a rocky shore, a bright light on top of a hill. When people see you, they get to glimpse into who they are. They realize what you have is what they can have as well, and your authenticity helps them begin their own journey. Cheers to authenticity in all that we are. 


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