Entry 69 - Real Love Is Freedom Not Possession


“If you love a flower, don’t pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies, and it ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” 

          - Osho

"When we don’t find love within ourselves, we oftentimes go looking for it outward. We find someone who awakens or incites the love that is already inside of us. Instead of realizing that the love is already in us, we falsely associate that someone who loves us as being the architect of the love we feel instead of merely the muse. 

This is fine and dandy until that person no longer wants to be with us because when they leave, they take those feelings of love with them. Wouldn’t it be much better to love ourselves first, before we got romantically involved with another? That way, if you and your lover split, you’ll still have love because you will have already cultivated it within yourself before you two got together. That way, you won’t have to feel jealous, or alone, or betrayed because you know that love is freedom." 

           - Sinclair

Love is not about possession, rather love is meant to be experienced and appreciated. You are a part of this universe and this universe is a part of you, and our oneness is more than we could ever imagine. We err when we try to possess something that is meant to be free. When we try to control people to make them do what we want, say what we want, think what we want, we're not loving, we're controlling in order to possess.

Possession is toxic because through such an act, fear is manifested. What if this person leaves me? What if this person meets someone better than me? Fear is the handyman that convinces people to control others. However, when we recognize everything we need is not in others but within ourselves, we let go, we surrender, and we just be. We love and appreciate whatever is in our life, and if whatever it is leaves, we move on to love and appreciate whatever else comes into our life. When I say everything we need is with us, I mean God who is the Great I Am is with you. Everyone has access to God. You don't need to go to a high mountain in the Andes to find God, you can find Him in the stillness of where you are right now.

Real love covers all, endures all, and is unconditional. It does not try to control, it only loves. It appreciates every aspect of every person and has mercy and grace for them in all ways. Perfect love casts out fear. Real love cannot coexist with fear and possession. Real love is the freedom to be and the power of real love can not only be felt, but it can be seen transforming everything it touches. Can you imagine what lives you could transform by loving someone with this genuine, transformative, powerful love? Why would anyone want to possess when one can watch love transform and free others?


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