Entry 58 - Going Beyond The Outward Forms


There's a similarity in many religions, denominations, sects and so on that have become more clear over time. Even though outward forms tend to differ, within each belief, there seems to be some who focus less on the exact forms and more on the relationship with the Creator. There seems to be a pattern of an outward form, with outward expectations such as "If you did this or that you'll go to heaven or hell", and methods of practicing in that specific religion. 

But then there always seems to be a more spiritual, mystical, deeper, more inward part of each religion that goes beyond form and focuses on the formless. It appreciates the stillness. It focuses on the deep connection between man and God that everyone has. It realizes the divine connection between all that is within everyone, and it focuses on that.

People might spend their whole life fighting on which doctrine is more right, which interpretation is the most correct, but those who stay "out there in the far seats of the stage" only get to enjoy the nose bleed seats of the precious, most peaceful moments in life. But those who've moved beyond arguing over this and that and instead enjoy the now, they find what they've been looking for all their life, a peace which surpasses all understanding which emanates from the Presence of God who is in the present. 

These people who choose awareness over forms being right or wrong choose to remain in the now, to surrender to the present, to use this precious time to love, and they're at peace in the heart of God. They're in tune with how God created us to be: loving, light filled, aware, present. They're past many limitations brought forth from form because they have become aware form is temporary, but formless is eternal.


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